An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • The keys to family success

    Posted on June 15th, 2008 michael No comments
    1. God is the builder, not humans
      1. If God is not in it, it won’t help to work any longer
      2. If God is not in it, it won’t help to work any harder
      3. God needs to be the focus – the foundation
      4. God must be personally involved in each family
    2. Children are rewards, not punishments
      1. Aim and fire (motivate) your children into the world
      2. Children need direction and motivation
      3. Each child is unique
      4. Point (and motivate) your child aligned with that child’s gifts / strengths.
      5. Find your child’s passion
    3. Families should grow from attention, not suffer from neglect
      1. Families need our time – commit to it
      2. Families need our focus – engaged, connected
  • Sharing my faith

    Posted on June 15th, 2008 michael No comments

    I talked with [my wife] about my faith today and shared with her what I’ve learned, especially from WOTM. She seems somewhat hardened, but I definitely saw some tenderness as we talked through things. She says she’s turned off by the scare tactic approach. I feel that I should simply keep talking of things of the Bible with her so she can hopefully understand that it’s not about anything other than Biblical truth – nothing more, nothing less. She appears receptive, which I’m truly thankful for.

  • The Mirror

    Posted on June 15th, 2008 michael No comments

    God’s law is like a mirror.  It can’t save us, but shows us we need saving

  • Lead your children to Christ

    Posted on June 14th, 2008 michael No comments
    1. Set the right example
      1. Genuine love for God, His Word, spouse, neighbor, etc
    2. Family altar – daily devotional time
      1. Be resolute
      2. Teach your children to pray & memory verses
      3. Act out Bible stories
      4. 15-20 min
      5. Close in prayer
    3. Teach the 10 Commandments
      1. You shall have no other gods before me
        1. God should be Number One
        2. You shall not make yourself any graven image
          1. Don’t bow down to anything but God
          2. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain
            1. Don’t use your lips to dishonor God
            2. Ambassadorship
            3. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy
              1. Don’t neglect the things of God
              2. Honor your father and your mother
              3. You shall not kill (murder)
                1. Or even hate
              4. You shall not commit adultery
                1. Adultery leaves a broken heart
                2. Or even lust
              5. You shall not steal
              6. You shall not lie
                1. A lying nine
              7. You shall not covet
                1. Want what others have
          3. 6 keys to reaching your loved ones

            Posted on June 14th, 2008 michael No comments
            1. Pray for them (believing prayer)
              1. Trust the Lord with all your heart
              2. Thank God for His faithfulness
              3. You can tell them you’re praying for them
            2. Live a life that is blameless
              1. Don’t be a hypocrite
              2. Be careful of movies you’re watching, magazines, TV shows, jokes
              3. Live what you say you believe
              4. Live a life of integrity
            3. Speak to them clearly and directly at least once (confront)
              1. Wait until you’re alone with them
              2. Asking whether they have broken a specific commandment may be too direct
              3. Rather, you can speak in terms of your own realization of your sin and ask if they recognize they fall short also (in a general way) – use your testimony, then ask ‘so what about you?’
            4. Make an agreement with a friend to share the gospel with each other’s family
            5. Be rich in your good works
            6. Seek first the kingdom of God
              1. Study His Word
              2. Learn how to witness
            7. Trust the Lord’s timing
              1. Don’t pressure
          4. Way of the Master

            Posted on June 12th, 2008 michael No comments
            1. We are like the moon, reflecting the light of God’s love
            2. Be a laborer of the Lord
            3. Share your faith effectively and biblically – the way Jesus did
            4. Become a fisher of men – you go to the fish, don’t wait for the fish to come to you
            5. You want to alarm people because you love them
            6. Speak directly to the conscience
            7. Circumnavigate the intellect
            8. “The routine”
              1. Ever told a lie?
                1. What does that make you?  A liar
              2. Have you ever stolen something?  Even something small?
                1. What does that make you?  A thief.
                2. The value doesn’t make any difference.
              3. Jesus said if we look at a woman and lust after her, we’ve committed adultery with her in our heart.  Have you ever looked with lust?
              4. Have you ever used God’s name in vain?
                1. That’s called blasphemy – you’ve taken the name of the creator who has given you life and used it as a curse word.
              5. So, by your own admission you’re a [lying], [thieving], [blaspheming] [adulterer at heart]
              6. So, when you die, if God were to judge you by the standards of the ten commandments, would you be innocent or guilty?
              7. Do you think you’d go to heaven or hell?
                1. Do you think God should let liars and thieves and murderers and adulterers into heaven?
                2. [headed for hell] Does that concern you?
                3. There’s nothing more valuable than your life, is there?
              8. [Once convicted of the law]
              9. Do you know what God has done for you to save you from Hell?
                1. Sent His son to die on the cross to pay the fine for your sins, your violations of God’s law.  He sacrificed His own son so that you and I could be forgiven.
                2. There’s no strings attached.  There’s nothing you can even do to earn it.
              10. Do you know what you need to do to accept this gift?
                1. Open your heart to Him, repent from your sins, and trust in Christ like you would trust in a parachute.  Believing in a parachute doesn’t help.  You need to put it on in order for it to be able to save your life.  And that’s exactly what you need to do with Jesus.  Repent – turn from your sins once and for all – and put your faith in Jesus.
              11. People are really lost… listen to their ridiculous or self-serving answers
              12. Christianity doesn’t lead to a “wonderful” life”.  In fact, the Bible says that life would be harder
              13. I can do all things in Christ, who strengthens me
              14. The righteous are as bold as a lion
              15. Just be friendly – say hello to strangers.  Then swing to the things of God (tracts can be good) – “Do you have a Christian background?”
              16. The person’s eternal welfare is at stake
              17. What Did Jesus Do
                1. W – Would you consider yourself to be a good person?
                2. D – Do you think you’ve kept the ten commandments?
                  1. Most every man will proclaim his own goodness
                3. J – If God were to judge you by the ten commandments, would you be innocent or guilty

                  1. If they say “well, my God would never judge me like that”, tell them that they are now breaking the 2nd of the Ten Commandments.  You should not make a God to suit yourself, or to suit your sins – that’s called idolatry, which is what I also did before I was a Christian.
                  2. If they say they’re innocent, remind them that they’ve just admitted to being a …  Obviously you’d be guilty, and the Bible says you’d be guilty.  Be reasonable and be honest.
                4. D – Destiny.  Would you go to heaven or hell?  Does that concern you?
                  1. If yes – Yeah, it should terrify you.  Hell for eternity?  Do you know what God did so you wouldn’t have to go to Hell?  He sent his son to die on the cross to pay for your sins – that’s how much He loves you.  You broke God’s law, and Jesus paid your fine.  Do you know what you’ve got to do?  You’ve got to repent – turn from your sins – and put your trust in Jesus Christ, like you trust a parachute.  The moment you do that, God will forgive every sin you’ve ever committed and grant you everlasting life.
                  2. If no – What would you think of a judge who let someone off the hook who’s guilty for murder, but it’s been a while and he’s a better person now?  The judge should bring him to justice.  If God is good, He must bring sinners to justice.  You’re in big trouble. That should greatly concern you.
                5. If someone keeps justifying himself, bring him back to the Law.  Stop covering your tracks, you’ve already admitted to breaking God’s holy Law.  If there is a day of judgment for that, and the punishment is Hell, doesn’t that concern you?
                6. Plead with them.  I don’t want you to go to Hell.  God’s offering you His forgiveness, but it’s on the condition that you humble yourself and be honest about your sin.
                7. Repent and trust Christ.
                8. Start with a state of compassion
            9. Cleaning out the closet

              Posted on June 11th, 2008 michael No comments
              • They will know we are Christians by our love
              • Love versus Selfishness
              • Clean out your closet now
              • Take the old clothes out and burn them now
                • Put the old behavior to death now
                • Is it more loving to tell a sinner that their sin is ‘ok’, or is it more loving to get in their face, get all over their case and try to save their life?
                • Bible says no sex outside of marriage – period (sexual immorality)
                • Lust, greed
                • “These things don’t work”
              • Clean up the inside (attitudes, thoughts)
                • Rid yourself of anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language, lying
                • Anger – don’t be an angry person.  Appropriate anger is normal – Jesus got angry.
                • Tell your story – the power is in its secrecy
                • Rage – anger that surfaces
                • Get rid of the things in your life that aren’t you anymore
                • Replace the old with the new, now
                  • Don’t get caught spiritually ‘naked’
                  • Knowledge of God – His Word, prayer
                  • Dress appropriately for a person of your person – you are chosen (belong), holy (set apart / righteous), and loved by God
                  • Choose clothes that never go out of style
              • Compassion – tenderness toward those who are suffering
              • Kindness – graciousness, goodness, sweetness of disposition (purity)
              • Humility (one of the highest values in Scripture) – accurate view of yourself
              • Gentleness (one of the highest values in Scripture) – knowing who we are in Christ so we can give and be strong, concede when necessary
              • Patience – self-restraint to endure injury / insult w/o retaliation
              • Don’t be a fashion snob – all are sinners – remember to love
              • The answer is to pray for more love
            10. The Tide

              Posted on June 11th, 2008 michael No comments

              “It’s only when the tide goes out that you see who’s been swimming naked” – Warren Buffet

            11. What’s truly important – yearnings or peace?

              Posted on June 9th, 2008 michael No comments
              • Urges come from yearnings (dissonance – things aren’t the way they should be)
              • Where do your yearnings lead you?
              • Pay attention to your yearnings… recognize them
              • What are you thirsty for?
              • How much time are you investing in your yearnings versus the most important things?
              • Hunger and thirst for righteousness
              • To drink is to know Christ
              • What are you drinking?
              • Focus on Jesus – invite him into every area of your life
              • Surrender all to Him… trust
              • As you come to know Him, peace will flow
              • Opposite of yearning is peace
              • Be filled with gratitude in this moment
            12. 6/1/08 Sermon notes

              Posted on June 1st, 2008 michael No comments
              • Baseline in Christ
                • Don’t get distracted by “shadow missions”
                • May not be able to completely control random thoughts, but we can control what lives there (stays)
                • Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts to stay focused on pleasing God
                • Not everything that counts can be counted
              • Re-calibrate your expectations from time to time (to shorten your “need” list)
              • Keep the baseline as Christ
                • Gifts above the baseline are just gravy
              • What do you have going for you?  Christ
              • Christ-centered
              • What are you doing when no one is looking?
                • Humility: think less about you and more about God
              • What is the majority of your discretionary thinking spent on?  You get to choose
              • Are you an authentic seeker or an image manager?
              • Are you a Christ follower or a try-hard Christian?
              • Are you Christ knowing or rule keeping?