An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Boredom

    Posted on November 30th, 2010 michael No comments

    Boredom is the direct result of selfishness.

  • Forgiveness

    Posted on November 23rd, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. Thank you for your influence in my life. Thank you for revealing how my heart must be conditioned in order to grow closer in communion with you. I am truly humbled by your grace, mercy and love, and I pray that you provide me the strength and courage to be immediately and consistently obedient in all that you ask for me to do.

    Lord Jesus. I couldn’t sleep any longer this morning. My dreams were haunting me. Was that your influence?

    Michael, any time you experience something that you perceive to be negative or burdensome, and you feel called to bring it to me for inspection, I am involved.

    Is it accurate to call the dreams haunting?

    In a way, yes. They haunt you in your dreams, but your dreams are only one manifestation of a deeper issue. When you harbor resentment, you lock negative energies inside of you. Those negative energies attract more negative energy, and will surface from time to time until they are resolved or until they kill you. In a way, you can consider them to be spiritually evil.

    So I need resolution of these issues. And I presume that I resolve them through forgiveness. Is that correct?

    Yes, Michael.

    Just speaking honestly, from the heart, I suppose I’m still somewhat afraid of that word, forgiveness. It feels like if I don’t hold the person accountable for their wrong-doing, then no one will, and they need to be held accountable.

    Thank you for your honesty. This is a big hurdle for you right now in the growth of our communion. I want to help you through this.

    I know you want me to forgive, but I pray that you would help me understand the reason behind forgiveness. I feel that once I truly understand forgiveness, I’ll be much more forgiving.

    I’m here to help you through this. There are elements of forgiveness that you can rationally understand, and there are elements that you cannot. Can you accept this?

    Yes, I suppose so. I’d rather understand all of it, but at least if I could understand more, then I would feel more comfortable with letting go.

    Michael, there are spiritual components to your natural life that you cannot understand. Your mental facilities are not designed to understand them. It’s not that you are built deficiently, you’re not. The human being is a perfect creation, for it’s purpose.

    We’ll need to talk about that again sometime. But I really would like to stay on the forgiveness topic.

    Michael, we are on the forgiveness topic. I’m trying to help you understand that there are some things in your life that you will need to accept by faith – but not blind faith. I will offer you enough truth, so that if you truly receive with love and trust, you will not be able to turn your back on it. But there will still be elements of the whole truth which you will not be satisfied with your understanding of. I give you enough information for you to accept the rest of what I’m offering you, by faith.

    I understand. I accept that I will be given enough information to accept the rest on faith.

    Good. That’s a huge step for some – even insurmountable. Your acceptance shows trust – trust that has been built so far in our communion. That trust is the fruit of our communion.

    I understand. So what about forgiveness. It seems like a lot is being said without any light being provided yet.

    I am sharing what is important for the growth in our communion. Do not be impatient. Trust in my approach. Trust me when I say that there is little I want more from you right now than an understanding and faith in forgiveness.

    I understand Lord. I trust your approach.

    So, Michael, you know you have been forgiven, right?

    Yes, Lord. My acceptance of your forgiveness is what made this relationship possible.

    Yes, but more accurately, the acceptance of my forgiveness conditioned your heart in a way that made this relationship possible. The key is the condition of your heart.

    So, are you saying that there are rules / laws that govern the condition of the heart? And that my ‘ability’ to have communion with you depends on my ‘ability’ to recognize, accept and act in accordance with (obey) those laws.

    That’s a good observation. Michael, there are laws governing the world all around you. ‘Laws’ in this sense can be understood as conditions for which abiding by the law will result in harmony, and the violation or transgression of the law will result in disharmony. Harmony and disharmony could mean many things. It could mean that you stay safe from falling to your death by violating the (natural) law of gravity. It could also mean that you suffer in perceivable or imperceivable ways for violating the (spiritual) law of forgiveness.

    I understand. So I am causing myself suffering for the mere act of violating a spiritual condition for harmony (law). Whether I know the law is there or not, or whether I agree with the law or not, does not matter in the sense that the law still presides and will govern my state of (natural or spiritual) harmony. Is that correct?

    Yes, Michael. Keep in mind that when you say “spiritual harmony”, you are talking directly about your communion, your unity, with me.

    I understand. So now that I understand that laws exist and my harmony depends on recognizing they exist and obeying their conditions, will you help me understand the conditions of forgiveness?

    What you are considering to be the “law of forgiveness” is not really what it is we’re talking about. Forgiveness is a condition of the law, it’s not the law.

    So what is the law?

    Are you ready for it?

    Only you know that.

    Good answer! You are ready for it, but it will come as shockingly simple, so I want you to be prepared to accept it for what it is.


    Peace. The condition of forgiveness allows you to conform to the law of peace.

    Oh … my … God. Lord, I am sitting here is such awe of you. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt such clarity before in my life. The way you led me up to that answer (with absolutely no foresight into where it was heading), and the way that it came to mind, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this dialog is real. Thank you for revealing yourself to me and putting up with all my doubt.

    Michael, thank you for staying persistent. You doubted, yet you continued to persist. You were and are seeking communion with me. I want nothing more.

    So, the law of peace. I get the sense that forgiveness is simply one aspect, one condition, of that law. Is this correct?

    Yes, Michael, but it’s a critical one. It’s the first one. And it’s exceptionally difficult for some to abide by. Pride is the issue. Your pride gets in the way of your peace. You cannot have peace with pride. It doesn’t fit the conditions of the law.

    Lord, how to I release my pride and forgive. I want peace, I want spiritual harmony and greater communion with you. Please teach me how to forgive.

    The next words were revealed one at a time. I couldn’t perceive the whole though until each word had been written.

    First, let go of the need to control others. Your need for control is what is preventing you from realizing true peace and joy.

    How do I release the need to control others?

    Realize that it’s not possible.

    Ok, that’s obvious. So why do I still seek control of others if I already know it’s not possible?

    That’s not the right question, Michael.

    What is the right question?

    You should be asking “How do I control others?”

    I don’t understand…

    By asking the antithetical question, you arrive at true understanding for why it’s not possible.

    Ok… so… How do I control others?

    Answer it yourself and come to me for clarity for each answer.

    These answers are probably going to come out sounding completely ridiculous, but I will just try to express what may be in my heart.

    Foolish Answer #1:  I control others by the way I react to what they say or do.

    So you think that what you think matters that much to people? Do you realize how many people the people in your life interact with on a daily basis? If they cared that much about what each person thought about them, they would never have their own life. They would be paralyzed in fear of judgement.

    Again, when I write these things, they are not what I rationally think, but I’m trying to root out irrational heart condition.

    Foolish Answer #2:  People don’t need to be concerned with what everyone thinks about them, just what I think about them, because I am superior in some way – intellectually, morally, spiritually, or some other way that merits more consideration of my perception than others. They need my help.

    Even if you were superior in any of those ways, do you think that everyone you come across would recognize that? Even if it were true, the only reason it would be true is because I gave you talents or wisdom. So, you owe your “superiority” to me – it’s not yours to claim.

    Lord, I can’t think of any more answers to “How do I control others?”

    Michael, you don’t need to. It’s shockingly simple when you are really honest about what’s in your heart – as foolish as it sounds when you actually put it into words.

    I still feel like there’s more that I’m not rooting out. Please help me root out more answers to “How do I control others?”

    Michael, that’s the problem. There aren’t any good answers, because you don’t control others. You can’t.

    I know, but I’m trying to root out how my heart thinks I can control others. Is there more inside of me?

    It all boils down to what you already wrote. You think you control others by how you react to what they do. This could be a reaction to what they already did, or it could be the implementation and communication of some planned reaction (consequence) to what they could do.


    So what now?

    Now you accept that you cannot control others. You are one of hundreds of influences in each person’s life. What you think matters very little to most of them. The few that it does matter what you think will think of you less and less the more you try to exert control over them.

    So, it boils down to: I can’t, and I don’t want to.

    Yes, Michael.

    So what do I do once I’ve accepted that I do not want to control other people and I’ve let go of my need to do so?

    Don’t unduly hang on to the word ‘forgiveness’. In perfect harmony, you would not feel any need to control others. You may try to influence others, but control is not possible, nor desired. Without the desire for control, the second step is acceptance. You must accept that other people are not only ‘not perfect’, but that they are seriously flawed and damaged, some physically and/or intellectually, but most emotionally and spiritually. When you see others the way I see them, you recognize their behavior for what it truly is – a cry for help. These people need help, most need salvation, and they don’t even know it. It’s deeply saddening.

    So what do I do about it?

    You do whatever you can to bring them to me. When someone cuts you off while you’re driving, recognize that for what it is: they are obviously not in harmony, in communion with me. They may harbor tremendous angst and impatience and/or pride, all of which are obvious signs that they are not seeking me. Recognize this, and you will realize that instead of needing to ‘get even’ or pass judgement or bring them to justice, they need to be brought to me. Only I can bring about true, lasting change.

    So instead of trying to control them with my reactions, I pity them for their spiritual immaturity?

    Well, don’t you pity them? Look up the word.

    Pity (per
    Sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid or to show mercy

    In that context, I do pity them. I am sympathetic to their condition because I’ve been there. I do feel a sense of kindly sorrow because I know that apart from you, they will suffer, be distressed and be cut off from blessing. I suppose the next step is exactly what you said, and what’s also in the definition – give relief, aid, and mercy.

    You’ve got it Michael. Now it’s time to practice it.

    But what about forgiveness?

    Forgiveness is after the fact. Forgiveness is nothing more than the releasing of control over another person. When you have harbored resentment for a person, you have psychologically attempted to control them in your mind. If you pitied them to begin with, instead of attempted to control them, there would be no need for forgiving them. When I speak of forgiving others in the Bible, I am speaking of letting go of the need for control. If someone wrongs you, you immediately forgive them. You don’t actually forgive someone after years of resentment – you simply let go of the need to psychologically harbor control over them.

    So how does this all fit into the law of peace and the condition of forgiveness?

    Forgiveness, as I said, is at the time of infraction – it’s immediate. Your forgiveness demonstrates your understanding of the principles discussed above, and is the practical way to demonstrate that you do not seek control over them, and that you leave the judgement of their behavior to me. Their judgement (as is yours) is dependent upon laws as well. But the law of my judgement is dependent upon the nature of the heart, of which behavior is symptomatic of, but not the complete story. You cannot know the complete story behind a person’s behavior, so this is the part that you must trust me in.

    I trust you Lord. I know that I do not know people’s hearts, and only you do. I trust that your judgement is perfect. I let go of my need to control others, or to pass judgement upon them. Thank you for your insight and wisdom. I pray that you would be with me in the times when I may put it to use.

    Let’s talk again about this soon.

    Ok, Lord.

  • Reverence versus Humility

    Posted on November 20th, 2010 michael No comments

    As I was reading Prayer today, I was struck with a sense that God’s relationship with us may be far more personal, in a way that is much more human, than we realize.  Mankind has almost exclusively considered God in a very formal and reverent way.  He deserves our reverence, but I wonder whether He’d prefer a more personal expression of our love.

    Specifically, I’m speaking about the notion that God prompts and looks for an element of amusement in His relationship with us.  Does He smile at us in amusement?  As a father, I smile at my children’s immaturity and understand that to try to teach them something beyond their grasp is not effective, so I smile.

    But is it amusement or is it really something else?  Am I amused by their immaturity?  Or am I smiling in adoration and love and accepting that they have much to learn, much growing to do?  I suppose it’s more the latter, I look at them with adoration and accept their current stage of growth.  I don’t laugh at them in amusement, or if I do, I end up feeling guilty for it.

    Father, is there any truth to this?

    Michael, I do adore you.  And yes, I do accept your current stage of growth, but am always providing guidance into your next steps of spiritual maturation.

    Do I amuse you in my immaturity or in my mistakes due to immaturity?

    It is not amusing.  It is actually saddening.  Your immaturity is due to the world’s influence and control over your heart.  That is not amusing.  But you are right in one thing.  I do seek to have a personal relationship with you in a way that is far more intimate than most people realize.  Most of the time, the nature of formal reverence actually gets in the way of intimacy in my relationship with people, so formal reverence is not something I desire.  What I desire is humility.  Formal reverence is a form of humility, but if it’s not recognized for what its purpose is, then it becomes the focus, rather than our relationship, and so it gets in the way, and it is undesirable.

    I think I understand.  That is very enlightening.  I hope to continue this later tonight when I’m not distracted.  Thank you Lord.

    [To be continued…]

  • Treading on Dangerous Ground

    Posted on November 18th, 2010 michael No comments
    Lord Jesus. I come to you in reverence and absolute awe of who you are. You are perfect and holy and magnificent. Your plan is perfect – I cannot wait to understand your plan more fully. The sense I get is that your plan will make everything in human history make sense. I get the sense that at some point, probably when I’m in heaven, your plan will be revealed in its full glory. I hope that is true.

    I trust you Lord, but I realize too that trust is not something you say but something you demonstrate. I understand that my obedience to your calls and commands demonstrates trust. I recognize that my use of the wisdom you provide demonstrates my trust in you.

    I praise you and thank you for the opportunity to restore my relationship with you. Thank you for redeeming me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to choose you. You are everything and I am nothing, and yet you love me and want to live through me.

    I wonder Lord. Is that really the point of it all? Is that why you love me, is so that you can live through me?

    Michael, you were created as an expression of who I am. I am love, in ways that you cannot comprehend now. My love becomes manifest through you, so the expression can be made more full through others.
    There must be some greater reality and some greater reason for your need to express yourself this way.. ?
    Michael, you’re treading on dangerous ground. These are things that the human mind was not intended to consider. Many people have squandered their opportunity to commune with me in favor of their incessant lust of knowing the reason behind it all. I want you to know me, but it’s not important right now for you to know the intent behind the creation. Trust me and leave it at that.
    Will I understand when we are together?
    Yes, Michael. I am preparing you for responsibility that you cannot comprehend, some of which relates to what you’re asking about. But it’s not time for you to consider these things. For now, seek me, seek my wisdom, and trust me. You are right that your obedience is a good tangible measure of your level of trust. Obedience is the fruit of your trust in me, and your trust in me is the fruit of our intimacy. But, do not take your eyes from me. Do not allow the enemy to distract you and distort your perceptions. Come to me for strength and clarity.
    Yes, Lord.

    Are you pleased with what’s happening with BoW?

    Yes, Michael. It’s taking shape nicely.
    Do you have any instruction at this time?
    Keep doing what you’re doing. You have a long way to go yet.
    I understand. Anything else you want to share?
    No, Michael.
    Then, I ask that you would guide my keystrokes as I work on the content of the site.
    I’m way ahead of you.
    Thank you, Lord.
  • Getting Back on God’s Track

    Posted on November 15th, 2010 michael No comments
    Lord Jesus. I’m complete with the task you set before me. I have read all of my journal entries.
    Michael, why are you not excited?
    To be honest, I suppose I’m nervous about what’s next.
    Why are you nervous?
    I suppose I wonder whether doing what you want me to do next is going to feel as forced as the last task.
    Why did the last task feel forced?
    I don’t know, it just did. While reading the entries, I felt a sense of just wanting to be done with the task so I could move on to the next thing, which I suppose I hope is more aligned with what I want to be doing.
    Why do you care about what you want to be doing? You already know that this is not your project. You already know that I will bless what you allow me to do through you. You already know there is blessing in obeying me. Many times, there is even more blessing when you obey despite naturally not wanting to obey. When you show me that you are doing what I want you to do for no other reason than I want you to do it, that will be immensely blessed.
    I understand. Lord Jesus, what is wrong with me right now? I feel like I’m hearing you, but I feel this resistance inside.
    You’re allowing unholy forces to influence you. Alcohol, the computer games you are playing, and the television programs you are watching are creating this dissonance in you. It’s part of the enemy’s plan. It’s something that many people are caught up in and don’t even know it. You tell them to control their influences and they don’t take it seriously. These influences condition your heart in ways that are contrary to my conditioning. I have to recondition the damage done. Instead of building upon what we had, now we need to recover lost ground.
    Lord Jesus. Please create in me a clean heart. Please protect me from myself. Please give me strength and wisdom when choosing what I allow to influence me.
    Michael, remember that it’s not necessarily all games, or all television that is contrary to my nature. There is a lot that is, but it doesn’t mean that I’m asking you to not do those things entirely. It’s the nature of the games and the nature of the television programs that determines whether it can damage our relationship – whether it will cause dissonance, which is what you’re feeling now.
    So what’s next?
    Well, you are not ready for your next assignment. You need to realign with me to be ready. The more consistent our communion, the more protected you will be against these forces. Rely on me for your strength. Call on me in times of anticipated weakness. I will be there, and will act through you if you call upon me.
    Lord, I am so sorry.
    Don’t be sorry. Repent. Turn your back on the behavior and renew your commitment to our relationship. You haven’t lost much.. yet. Get things back on track and we’ll have much to do.
    Ok, Lord. Here I go…

    Ok, I’m done with my laptop. Both games are uninstalled and my account is cancelled.

    How do you feel?
    I feel good. Like somehow clear.
    Your guilt is no longer present. There’s some residual clean up on your main computer at home, but I trust that will be taken care of tonight.
    Yes Lord.
    Michael, you are ready for your next assignment.
    Already? I thought I’d have to reconnect with you. I was expecting that I’d have to show my commitment through better choices in the other areas.
    Michael, the process has already begun. And, the computer games were a primary issue. You know that they impact your entire life – your relationship with me, your relationship with your wife and children, your focus on your commitments like work. That one act is a huge step back in the right direction. You do need more follow through, but we don’t need to hold anything up in waiting. If you do not follow through, your ministry will be affected negatively.
    Ok, so what would you like me to do now?
    What do you want to do Michael?
    You’re putting the next step in my hands?
    I want to see where your heart is.
    I instinctively want to do something technical. I want to get the site better set up for people to register for their own blogs. But I get the sense that maybe that wasn’t the point all along. I get the sense that the teaching that has been flowing from my rereading of my journal entries is the main point right now. And I want to stay in your will. I want to subject my will to yours. I insist – what would you have me do, Lord?
    You are right, Michael. The technical components are a ‘backburner’ issue right now. Right now, as I’ve been preparing you for (as you know), I want you to comprehensively read what you have written as a result of your reading your journal. Then, I want you to review all entries that have either ‘myvoice’ or ‘godsvoice’ and see if there’s anything you’ve missed. Then, you are to continue to write and edit the content.
    First of all, I do know what you mean about preparing me. I have had the feeling that this was the direction you would provide for about a week now.

    Second, it’s interesting to me that you’ve now given me three tasks at once.

    Third, how will I know I’m done with the third task?

    I’m giving you one task, but breaking it into chunks that are more simple to understand and follow. Also, you will know when you’re done when I tell you you’re done.
    So this task doesn’t have a tangible way to know that it’s complete?
    No, Michael. I want this task to be considered complete when I tell you it’s complete and direct you into another task. This will require you to continue to consult with me to determine when you are complete. This task will be one in which I guide much more intimately. Stay tuned to me in the moments and I’ll guide your keystrokes.
    Yes Lord. I’m excited to see what you produce through me.
    As am I.
  • Comfort and Guidance

    Posted on November 12th, 2010 michael No comments
    Lord Jesus. I’m here to be with you.
    Michael, you are always with me, and I with you.
    Lord, I just didn’t know how to start. I’m ashamed of my recent choices.
    I know, Michael. You don’t need to be ashamed. You haven’t sinned, but you have been distracted. Your distractions are a normal part of this process. The sooner you can identify a distraction and choose to walk away from it, the sooner our relationship can flourish from that decision. Some people can spend years, or even their entire life in distraction. Your sensitivity to it is a good thing. It reveals your heart.
    Thank you for your encouragement. It’s what I needed to hear. I sense that you’re not condoning my choices, but are telling me that our relationship will not grow as strong as quickly as you’d like it to until I remove these distractions.
    That’s correct, Michael. But don’t misunderstand. These things you are distracting yourself with – alcohol, games – have the potential power to cause damage to our relationship. Any relationship without communication is sick at best or dead at worst. I want our relationship to be alive and passionate. I want you to have passion for submitting to me, because of the fruit you see in your life because of my influence.
    Lord, I do see fruit. I know that my relationship with you is far better than I ever previously hoped was possible. At the same time, I want to help others.
    Hold on Michael. You can’t be saying that you’re choosing distraction because your website isn’t a “hit” yet, can you?
    Well, I suppose you cut to the root of it. It seems silly when you put it like that. You told me specific things to do, and I’m still not done with the task. How can I be complaining about anything.
    Michael, do you not see what is flowing from my work in you? Truth and wisdom is being prepared for the world. There is much in store for you. Stay persistent, do not be discouraged. Stay forthcoming with me. I can bear your burdens, and shed light on your clouded perceptions.
    I understand Lord.

    Is my progress on the current task pleasing to you?

    Other than the distractions? Yes, it is. You have taken the task seriously. You are squeezing wisdom out of every relevant journal entry and preparing it for presentation to the world. Many people will be blessed by this work. It’s still in very raw form, though.
    Is it ok that I’ve published it in raw form?
    Yes, your motive is right. You want the information available, even if that means that you risk someone else capitalizing on your idea. That shows trust in me, which I will bless.
    I’m frustrated that I have not received the type of feedback that I would expect from those nearest to me. Even [my wife] hasn’t even looked at the website (as far as I know), even though I’ve brought it up twice with her. Why do I feel so isolated in this endeavor.
    You’re not isolated. I am with you. I am working through you. You do not need feedback, but I understand why you’re looking for it.
    Acceptance and approval?
    To a certain extent yes, but you’re also looking for Biblical confirmation from those you trust, which is fine. However, it’s not necessary, which is why I have not moved these people to respond in the way that you hope.
    Why not?
    I want you to trust in me. I created you with extraordinary talent, and now you have opened yourself up to me so that I may use that talent for my purposes. I want to mold you before I send in reinforcements to help this project take shape.
    Ok. I trust you Lord. It leaves me feeling empty.. like why am I really doing this if those who are closest to me don’t even appreciate it to the extent that I would expect. I mean if [my wife] were investing herself into something to this extent, I would want to help in any way I could. I would want to support her.
    She supports you Michael. Just not in the way you look for. In some ways, she’s fearful of this path you’re headed down, and rightfully so, since you’ve talked very little with her about your communion with me.
    So, what do you want me to do now? Actually, what do you want to do through me now?
    Stay on task, Michael. Finish what you started and there will be another task.
    Should I have pursued the non-profit status?
    It’s not necessary, but it wouldn’t hurt.
    So, you’re ambivalent to the corporate structure?
    I couldn’t care less about the corporate structure.
    So you don’t care whether it’s funded by marketing dollars or by donations?
    Who said anything about funded?
    Doesn’t every project need capital?
    You have the money you need for now on this project. You also have skill in many areas that will allow you to complete tasks in a very cost-effective way. Don’t worry about money. It’s not something to focus on right now.
    So, the corporate structure doesn’t matter because there’s no need for a corporation, because there’s no real money involved.
    I understand. I was just hoping that this project would get me to a place financially where … actually, after re-reading some of my entries, I’m going to go in a different direction with this… I was hoping that this project would provide me with greater freedom of time – greater freedom to do what you call me to do, when you call me to do it. Right now, I obviously, have a 40+ hour per week commitment that gets in the way.
    Michael, how can you say that? You’ve chosen distraction over the past week, and you’re saying that if I provided you with more time, that it would be devoted to me? One step at a time, Michael.
    Lord, I have been POURING time into this project, and you know that. I love you Lord, and I trust you, but it’s frustrating that you would call me out on spending a little time doing other things that I enjoy.
    Well, that’s basically the point. You are choosing those other things because at the time, they are more appealing to you than communing with me. How do you think I interpret that? You have been pouring time into this project for a few months. I have been guiding and protecting you your entire life. I don’t need to explain further do I?
    No, Lord you don’t. I am sorry. I have no right to justify myself in choosing to do anything with my discretionary time than seeking you. I choose to seek you first. I choose to do everything in my power to ensure an intimate relationship with you. Please condition my heart to seek you first.
    This is all part of that conditioning, Michael. I love you, and your growth will take time and there will be bumps along the way, but you are responding well, and will be blessed based on your heart and your obedience.
    Is there anything else you want to tell me at this time?
    Just that you don’t need to expect or seek profound insight whenever we talk. I just want you to express what’s on your heart, so that I can comfort you and guide you. Intimacy is far more than a teacher-student relationship. I’m not saying that’s what we have, but I want more focus on you revealing your heart to me. By you exposing your heart, you invite me to heal and condition your heart.
    Thank you Lord. I choose to present my heart to you for your love and conditioning.
    Let’s talk again soon.
  • Checking in with the Lord

    Posted on November 3rd, 2010 michael No comments
    Lord Jesus, I just want to check in with you regarding my obedience to your call to re-read my entire journal. Is my approach and progress pleasing to you?
    Yes, Michael.
    Am I getting out of the task what you intend for me to.
    Is there anything else you want me to start doing while I finish up this task?
    No, Michael.
    Ok. Is there anything else you want to tell me now?
    Michael, thank you for checking in with me. It is critical that we are in alignment every step of the way, if you want to see progress as quickly toward my will as possible. I will act through you as long as you are submitted to me. Obeying my call is an act of submission. The more focused you are on that obedience – doing what I call or command you to do – the more your life and my work through you will be blessed.
    Thank you Lord. I will keep going on my current task, and continue to check in with you.

    Later, as I was reviewing my old entries…

    Dont rush through your tasks, and miss the blessings.
  • Another Reconfirmation on BoW Next Steps

    Posted on November 1st, 2010 michael No comments

    Continued from this entry

    Lord Jesus. I’m struggling with the direction you provided regarding filing for non-profit status. Is this truly your will? It’s quite burdensome, and very official and binding, so I want to make sure I do the right thing.
    Michael, re-read all entries on non-profit status.
    Ok, so the first mention was on 10/25 when I asked if I could proceed with it. This was after I had already set up the PayPal account to accept donations in order to potentially fund greater focus on the project. You provided clarity that it wasn’t needed yet, and money wasn’t needed yet – I was getting ahead of myself.

    The second mention is on 10/30 when you told me that I “may file for non-profit status”. When asked to confirm your will, you said that the status would be needed if the ministry was “going to have any hope of a donation of any size” and that “you need to establish the corporate entity to conform with your laws”. Then you said later that you are directing me “toward non-profit so that money is not the focus”.

    So, in the net of it, I’m still uncertain whether you’re allowing me to do something that I thought was right, or whether you’re asking me to file for non-profit status.

    Michael, what does it really matter right now? I said you may file, not that I want you to file. I’m giving you permission, not direction. I’m not giving you direction at this time on this matter, which means that filing for non-profit status would not impede my ultimate will, other than causing you to spend a bit of extra time on something. In either case, the money is not the issue. The project will be funded if your heart is right and you stay tuned in to me.
    So… may I wait to file for incorporation?
    Yes, Michael. You may wait on this.
    Let me rephrase. What do you want me to do in terms of incorporation?
    I don’t want anything in this regard at this time. That doesn’t mean I want you to do nothing, it just means I’m not asking for anything. So, you can do something or you can do nothing, it’s your choice.
    I choose to focus my time on what you are positively directing me to do. This is not my project, and I’d rather have more time available to carry out the tasks you positively set before me, rather than follow my own idea of next steps.
    Sounds like a good idea. Then get back to reading your journal entries.
    Yes, Lord.