An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • The Gift of the Holy Spirit (study of Acts)

    Posted on January 24th, 2011 michael No comments

    The gift of the Holy Spirit

    • Offered through repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38)
    • Available to all, as many as are called by God (Acts 2:39)
    • Given to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32)

    Power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8):

    Receiving guidance

    • Casting of lots (Acts 1:24-26)? This was before the Holy Spirit though…
    • Conversation through the audible voice of Jesus, with ill effects (this is before Saul was baptized) (Acts 9:4-9)
    • Visions (Acts 9:10-16, 10:10-16, 11:5-10, 16:9, 17:9-10, 22:18, 23:11)
    • Through visitation by angels (Acts 5:19-20, 8:26, 10:3-6)
    • Unknown methods (Acts 8:29, 13:4, 16:6-7)

    Receiving supernatural help

    • Freed from bondage (Acts 12:8-10, 16:26)

    Supplication with expectation

    • For boldness in speaking the word of God and in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:29-31).  This doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit gives you boldness in all your speaking.
    • For the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:15)

    Instrument of God

    • Baptism, as long as the person believes with all their heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Acts 8:37-39)
    • The gift of the Holy Spirit, through laying on of hands, once the person is already baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:16-18)
    • Judgement (Acts 5:3-5, 8-9, 13:9-11)
    • Unusual miracles (Acts 19:11)

    Boldness and wisdom in speech

    • In the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 9:29)
    • Cutting listeners to the heart (Acts 2:37)
    • Through which the Lord saves souls (Acts 2:47, 14:1, 14:21)
    • Persuasion to continue in the grace of God (Acts 13:43, 14:22)
    • Exhortation and strengthening of the brethren (Acts 15:32, 15:41, 18:23)
    • Even for the uneducated (Acts 4:13)
    • Dissenters unable to resist (Acts 6:10)
    • Preaching Jesus, and reasoning, through the Scriptures (Acts 8:35, 17:2, 17, 18:4, 18:28)
    • Teaching the story of Jesus (Acts 13:16-41, 17:22-34)


    • Lame (Acts 3:6-8, 14:9-10)
    • Sick people and those tormented by unclean spirits (Acts 5:15-16, 16:18, 19:12, 28:8-9)
    • Blind (Acts 9:17-18)
    • Paralysis (Acts 9:34)
    • Death (Acts 9:40-41, 20:9-10 (not sure whether this was a healing or whether Paul simply recognized that Eutychus was still alive from the fall))


    • Speaking in other tongues (Acts 2:4-13).  This ability made their speech understandable by all tongues (Acts 2:6). It wasn’t that they began speaking in ‘spiritual’ or unknown language
    • Ability to maintain a communal lifestyle (Acts 4:32-35)
    • Rejoicing in being counted worthy to suffer shame for His name (Acts 5:41)
    • Great wonders and signs (Acts 6:8, 8:13, 15:12)
    • Angelic appearance (Acts 6:15)
    • Supernatural travel (Acts 8:39-40)
    • Superior / super-natural fortitude (Acts 14:19-20)
    • Absent of fear – of death or tribulations (Acts 20:23-24, 21:13)
    • Assurance of safety (Acts 27:22-25)
    • Supernatural protection (Acts 28:3-6)
  • Path of Righteousness

    Posted on January 10th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord, Jesus. I believe that you want me to be healthy. I thank you for my health and for the health of my family. I believe that you want me to prosper. I thank you for the prosperity you have provided. I know that you want me to focus on you, including investing my time and resources into your kingdom. Is there something that I should be doing, but I’m not currently doing it? Is there something that I shouldn’t be doing that I am doing?

    Michael, you are on a path.

    A path of what?

    A path of righteousness. You can claim authority in my name, but you haven’t accepted it yet. I’m showing you things that are and will open your mind and heart to accept what is available to you, but you must put these things into practice.

    Did I put it into practice tonight, when I prayed with [my daughter] and [my wife] that [my daughter’s] discomfort would be healed?

    Yes, you put it into practice, but you learned from your mistake. Part of practice, as you know, is making mistakes and learning from them. What did you learn?

    Well, according to Andrew Wommack’s teachings, I should have spoken directly to the problem. I just have a hard time talking to something, as opposed to someone. How does telling a body part to heal make any difference whatsoever?

    Michael, do you believe that I am able to heal through you?

    Yes, Lord. You are able.

    Michael, do you believe that I want to heal through you?

    Yes, Lord. I believe you want your children to be healthy for your glory.

    Then there must be a mechanism for my power to exert itself through. Your words carry extreme power, in and of themselves. When you speak outloud, your words have the power to manifest my will, according to my purpose. It’s not a matter of whether I want my child to be healthy – I do. It’s not a matter of whether I can create health – I can. It’s a matter of whether there is an available conduit for my power. My power and my will must be made manifest through humanity.

    But don’t you create and exert your power without manifesting through humanity?

    Let me clarify, my power and my will in people’s lives must be made manifest through humanity. Mankind provides a conduit for my power. And your words flow from your heart, which is a potent conduit for my power.

    So what is my path?

    A path of righteousness. There is much for you to learn still. The more you come to me, the better. The more you expose yourself to my word and the teaching of my word, the better.

  • Quick Direction

    Posted on January 9th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. I just wanted to check in with you to see what format you want me to use to continue on the teaching material?

    Whatever works better for you, Michael. Just continue making progress.

    Please Lord. I’d like your guidance on this. For example, should people be able to read the material before it’s completed?

    Again, it doesn’t really matter. It just matters that you continue to make progress. At least on the internet, there’s a chance that someone could stumble across it and could be blessed by it.

    Ok, Lord.

  • Footstool

    Posted on January 9th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord, Jesus. I thank you for speaking to me in all of the ways that you do. I thank you for orchestrating my life. I recognize that you are in control, and even my challenges will be used for your glory.

    Lord, as I was watching Joel Osteen’s sermon today, it struck me that his message was extremely pertinent for me right now, with what is going on with me and my dad. He talked about how you use challenges and persecution and even enemies to lift me up to greater blessing and your glory. Are you using my father in this way?

    Michael, I am removing your dependence upon him. Your dependence belongs on me. Without your father as a psychological safety net (regardless of whether he actually was), you will look to me with greater trust.

    Side note: during a flurry of emails with my dad, I asked the Lord for his guidance in His word. I know this is not generally accepted as a trustworthy approach, I asked the Lord to use my hands to open the Bible to a pertinent verse to speak to me through. I turned to the page prior to Romans 8:28, which I immediately recognized, turned the page, and it was the first verse on that next page.

    This is an important time, Michael. This is putting great stress on you, but it’s good stress if it is responded to in a constructive way. Your stress will force you to look for comfort. Where will you find it?

    You, Lord. I find my comfort in you.

    Those are the words, but your behavior will reveal your heart. You know what I speak of.

    I know… I feel like I’m looking to my former comforts, which are all distraction from, and even sin against, you.

    Stay with me Michael. Stay focused on me. Seek my face and you will be blessed. Trust in me and you will be elevated for my glory.

    I feel so lost again, Lord. I feel like I’m going in a million directions again.

    That’s because you’re not staying focused on what I asked you to do.

    HEAR ME: you can have success in things that are not of my will. The success will be your perception of success, and the “blessings” will be from your interpretation of the source, but your perceptions are flawed.  If you are not focused on my will, and carrying out my commands for your life, you will wander.

    I get the sense that my ideas are dangerous.

    Michael, realize that they may not be your ideas.

    Then whose ideas are they?

    If they’re not mine and they’re not yours, then they can only be from the enemy.

    So, what I thought were my ideas, rooted from my focus on you, could actually be from the enemy?

    The enemy uses my name all the time, Michael. He is not afraid to masquerade. That’s part of his deceit. If he can’t get you to sin outright, he’ll distract you. He’ll even use your focus on me as a reason to swell your pride, to make you think that what you do “in my name” glorifies me, when actually all it does is distract you from your purpose.

    You see, Michael. The sad thing is, what people think is good, isn’t necessarily good. People, even saved people, spend their entire lives doing what they think is right and good. The problem is, they don’t ask me what they really should be doing – what I want them to do. This is exactly what’s going on with you, and exactly why you feel lost right now. I gave you a task, and you focus on it for a small time, then you move on to your priorities. It’s understandable because it’s your nature, but it doesn’t glorify me, no matter what you think. It becomes a distraction from my purpose.

    Your whole escapade with the consultant was a complete waste of your time. It put stress on you and caused you doubt – that is not from me.

    I understand, Lord. And I am so sorry. I’m such a fool.

    Michael, I love you. Stay focused on me. Your obedience demonstrates your trust. Do you trust me, Michael? Do you really trust me?


    Then obey me. I am your Lord. I’m hear to help you – I am serving you with my calls and commands.

    Ok, Lord. Please refocus my attention. Where do you want my focus?

    On writing your teaching material.

    Lord, I have to say, I’m really uncomfortable with my teaching material. I don’t feel qualified. And honestly, I also fear people’s judgement because I’m not qualified. If that material is flawed in some way, people could get led astray.

    You know my response Michael. I am qualified to speak through you. People’s judgement doesn’t matter in the least. Truth will prevail. If you have 1,000 dissenters and one person attains intimate communion with me through reading and applying your teaching material, it will please and glorify me.

    Ok, Lord.

    Lord, Jesus. Are there any assumptions I’m making about my writing material or Beginning of Wisdom that are erroneous?

    That is an excellent question, Michael. That is a question that you need to come to me for on a frequent and consistent basis. It prepares you to receive reproof.

    Yes, there are false assumptions that you’re making. But, they are not currently important.

    Lord, why do none of the people I invited to read my prayer journal keep up with it?

    Michael, because they cannot relate to it. They can’t engage with it. You’ve hit on a huge assumption – that people want to engage with each other’s most intimate thoughts and feelings. The fact is, people can hardly deal with their own intimate thoughts and feelings, let alone engage with someone else’s, and especially provide feedback. It’s unnatural.

    Seriously? So BoW has been a waste?

    It has not been a waste, but you’re not ready for it yet. You keep going down tangents. Stay true to me and I’ll show you the way. Remember that if what you’re doing is not in alignment with my call or command, it may be a distraction from the enemy himself.

    This is so demoralizing.

    This too, is a footstool toward your growth and my glory.

    Ok, Lord. I trust you. I will focus on my teaching material once more. Are the current topics consistent with your intent?

    Yes, Michael – communion with me.

    Is it appropriate that the subjects are separated?

    No, Michael. It’s one subject.

    Lord, is this a book? Are you leading me toward writing a book?

    You’ll see.

    I’m not qualified for this!

    Michael, I am qualified. Trust me.

    Ok. Thank you for your guidance and love.

    Be at peace Michael. Do not be afraid.

  • Lord, thank you

    Posted on January 6th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. I just wanted to say that I love you. I am just overwhelmed with thankfulness for who you are and what you’ve done and are doing in my life. I don’t deserve anything, but I know that you love me, as my Father. I pray that my life may bless you and bless others in your name.

  • Intercession

    Posted on January 5th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus, I come before you with a request. Your child, Brandon B., is struggling right now. You know his issues. You know his concerns. You know the weight he carries. I pray that you would reveal your will to him, so that he may have peace with everything going on around him.

    Michael, you are asking for someone else to have peace, which is kind-hearted, but not how peace is attained. Brandon is not at peace because he is in doubt. His anxiety comes from a lack of assurance that certain paths in his life are right for him and whether he or his family will be ‘OK’ through the tribulations he faces. All of my children face earthly tribulations – you cannot completely avoid them – but how you respond to them is a matter of the heart. You can have faith and trust in my plan, if you come to me regularly for guidance and you follow it (obey).

    Peace is a fruit of obedience, but obedience is only possible through a true communion with me, where you seek and expect to receive my personal guidance for your life.

    I understand.

    After re-reading what you said, isn’t obedience possible simply through obeying your word in the Bible?

    Yes, Michael, but those are foundational truths, guidance and promises. As you know, I have personal guidance available to you. My personal touch on your life results in direction. Receiving that direction, and then obeying it, creates blessing. Associating the blessing with the obedience, and the obedience to the direct personal communion with me builds trust in our relationship. Trust builds until it gets to a point when you come to me readily and without delay for all your tribulations and doubts (for specific guidance, not for a magical recovery of a spiritual condition), have complete faith in my guidance, and you obey readily.

    You know that I have answered every doubt that you’ve put before me. It’s the doubt that you don’t put before me that can consume you. But in Brandon’s case, praying for a magical recovery is not the way it works. If it did, Brandon would fall back into the same trap. I want him to develop true communion with me, where he’s consistently hearing my voice, so that I can personally provide him with the comfort and guidance he needs.

    Do you want me to invite him to read this?

    Yes, Michael. That is the answer to your prayer. Prayer is not a substitute for action. The answer to your prayer for Brandon to find peace stems from your action.

    Lord Jesus, I’m somewhat uncomfortable with what you’ve taught me here, so I have researched a bit on intercessory prayer. It seems that the church believes that intercessory prayer is an effective way to ask for your help for others.

    It is, in the case when the others do not have a personal communion with me (which you usually won’t know if they do or not), or when a miracle is needed that my answering would not cause future harm.

    Can you explain “future harm”?

    Ask me about the single verse you’re concerned about.

    Well, I found this verse in some information on intercessory prayer on Many verses are OT, and my understanding is that those are not valid for us now, as Jesus is our intercessor, and that trying to take his place with our own intercession is like saying that his intercession is not good enough, but ours is. The verse that causes me concern is Acts 12:5.

    Michael, you are right in asking these questions. This is exactly what I want in our relationship. There are truths that are hidden in plain sight that require our direct communion to uncover. This is one of them.

    So what is the truth you’re referring to?

    The truth is, intercession doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t always help either.

    Well that’s great. So what am I supposed to do then?

    When the person or people you’re praying for need a change of spiritual condition, you act (teach, reprove, etc). When you want to request for my intervention in a situation that by intervening I will not promote that person’s poor spiritual condition, I will respond. The problem is, you won’t know whether what you’re asking for would promote a poor spiritual condition.

    Ok… can I have an example?

    Brandon’s anxiety is an example. Brandon doesn’t need a magical cure. His perspective needs to be shifted more fully toward me. I want personal communion with him in the same way we share personal communion. His anxiety exists for a reason – it’s a warning sign. Magically solving his problem doesn’t help him long term. Learning how to properly orient his perspective will – that requires instruction – your instruction in this entry.

    So, you’re telling me that this entry is for Brandon’s benefit? I thought that this journal wasn’t supposed to be used to communicate specifically to others.

    It wasn’t, not until you were ready for it to. This entry has nothing to do with your wisdom. This is my wisdom and guidance. You should learn from it, but the primary benefit to you is in sharing it with Brandon and seeing the blessing of your obedience. Trust me, obey, and reap the fruit. It’s simple.

    Ok, Lord. I do trust you.

    Lord, Jesus. Above you said that intercessory prayer is effective for those who do not have a personal communion with you.

    Let me stop you right there. Intercession for a person like this is effective only in the way that asks for them to have a personal communion with me. You don’t intercede for someone who does not have personal communion with me for things other than attaining personal communion with me, because without personal communion with me, nothing else matters. You don’t intercede for someone who has personal communion with me, because they can get their own guidance and peace directly from me. The exception is for a miracle that does not have to do with an issue with the spiritual condition of the person. But again, generally you won’t know if the issue is because of a poor spiritual condition, so it’s generally good to ask.

    So, in Brandon’s case, what situation applies?

    That’s not your concern, other than I want greater communion with him, as I also do with you. Through reading this, he will recognize how I am calling him personally.

    Ok, Lord. I trust you.

  • True Sight

    Posted on January 4th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. I don’t know what to say.

    Just be still, and know that I am the Lord.

    Don’t try to convince yourself, just know it. There are no words that go along with this knowledge, only action, behavior.

    Be alert, Michael.  Don’t drift your attention.

    How long do I “be still”?

    As long as it takes. You will know.

    My behavior shows how well I know, love and trust you. If you were to appear to me physically, it would be my behavior, not my words, that would reveal my heart to you.

    Yes, Michael.

    Words can can be used for deception, but behavior speaks from the heart.

    Michael, behavior too can be used for deception, but the observer can use my ability to ascertain true intent.

    So this is an ability available to your children? To be able to ascertain true intent, in order to avoid deception?

    Yes, Michael.

    Can inaction also be mis-interpreted without this ability?

    Yes, Michael.

    Am I worthy of this ability?

    Michael, it’s not a matter of worthiness, but readiness.

    Am I ready for this ability?

    You already have it. When you want to use it, be still, know that I am the Lord, and receive true sight. Michael, I want you to see things as they really are. You can cut through the distraction with this simple ability. You can cut through attempted manipulation with this simple ability.

    Why do you keep calling it a simple ability? It seems more like a super-power (or supernatural power) to me.

    Because it is simple. It only requires acceptance and trust. You trust your eyes, right? Maybe too much. You trust your ears? Again, maybe too much. On and on it goes, but you have yet to trust your Christian abilities.

    What does that mean?

    The abilities available to you as my disciple. Many would try to become my disciple for these abilities, but few receive these abilities through true faith.

    And I’m one of the few?

    Yes, Michael. These abilities are available to you now.

    This sounds like the makings / trappings of a cult.

    Michael, again you just got sidetracked by the minutiae of the exact meaning of a word. Keep our communion flowing. Don’t give the enemy a way in – a way between us.

    I understand.

    Michael, read the book of Acts and come to me with any questions you have.
