An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • BoW Prosperity Plan

    Posted on March 4th, 2012 michael No comments

    Life Mission

    My life mission is to foster millions of Christians’ communion with Christ (prayer, Bible study, etc). I will do this by encouraging a serious focus on attaining devine wisdom through journaling online.


    Within 10 years, I will have created a vibrant community of over one million Christians who are actively sharing how their relationship with Christ is growing in intimacy through communion with Him and interacting with other Christians interested or experiencing the same thing. Beginning of Wisdom will become THE only blogging platform that a Christian would choose to publish on. Hundreds of thousands of Christians who were previously did not journal now journal regularly and consider their BoW journal to be their most valued earthly possession.

    Area of Innovation

    Quality will be the area of innovation. The site will be absolutely beautiful. It will be a place that Christians LONG to be.. not out of obligation.. not out of addiction.. but out of appreciation of beauty and out of love for Christ and other Christians.

    Immutable Laws

    1 – We serve Christ by investing and profiting from the talents that He has entrusted us with
    2 – Ethics and integrity are the bedrock of our success, are are never to be compromised
    3 – We work passionately to make a difference, but never at the expense of risking a failed household


  • Immutable Laws

    Posted on March 4th, 2012 michael No comments

    1. What do you stand for? What standards do you uphold in your personal life? What do you expect from yourself and others in your life? In what aspects of your life do you waffle a bit? What are the areas where you will not move a muscle? Do you need to loosen up or have more conviction?

    Michalowicz, Mike (2008-09-24). The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur (p. 48). Obsidian Launch, LLC. Kindle Edition.

    – Christ
    – Highest integrity and morality
    – Family
    – Children

    2. Immutable Laws are the backbone of your company. Building on your own values and ethics, what are the Immutable Laws of your company? How do these Immutable Laws benefit you, your staff, your investors, and your customers?

    Michalowicz, Mike (2008-09-24). The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur (p. 48). Obsidian Launch, LLC. Kindle Edition.

    My Immutable Laws:
    1 – We serve Christ by investing and profiting from the talents that He has entrusted us with
    2 – Ethics and integrity are the bedrock of our success, are are never to be compromised
    3 – We work passionately to make a difference, but never at the expense of risking a failed household

    3. What’s your Why? Why are you an entrepreneur? Why did you choose your specific industry? Why, Why, Why? Keep asking until you get to the heart of the matter.

    Michalowicz, Mike (2008-09-24). The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur (p. 48). Obsidian Launch, LLC. Kindle Edition.

    For Beginning of Wisdom:
    To make a tangible difference in people’s lives. To invest my talents to bring people closer to Christ through prayer.

    I originally chose the industry because it seemed like it was one that makes a tangible positive impact on people’s health and lives. However, I think that is short-sighted. I think that people use prescription drugs as a fail-safe to not making the right decisions in the first place. Yes, prescription drugs can save lives, but I’m not sure they do more good than harm.

    Because I’m good at it. It’s a way to invest and profit from my talents.