An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Prayer

    Posted on August 26th, 2013 michael No comments

    Lord, I’m here.

    Yes you are.

    I am sure there are many things we could potentially talk about, but I was hoping we could pick up where we left off last night and talk more about the business.

    If that’s foremost on your heart, Michael, then so be it.

    Well, it’s one of the top.

    That’s fine, Michael. What do you want to know?

    Well, I don’t know specifically. What guidance do you have for me? … Wait, I just remembered… since I’m posting these publicly now, I feel that I should follow 1 John 4:2… Do you confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?

    Yes, Michael. Jesus Christ came in the flesh. You are right to implement this practice. The influence you allow is potentially variable, so this is the one constant that I provide for your assurance.

    Ok, great, now that that is settled… what guidance do you have for me with regard to my business venture?

    Which one?

    You know which one.

    Yes, I do, but there are so many.

    I see your point.

    Michael, you’re always jumping from one project to another, that you never allow yourself to become fully vested in any.

    Is it that I don’t become fully vested? Or is it that I am just always driven to create?

    Ideation is not creation.


    You developing a thought or even spending lots of time “working” on something is not creation.

    Ok… then what is creation?

    Creation is building something that didn’t exist before, and if it’s done well, you’ve built something that stands the test of time.

    Ok, well that was profound.

    Michael, stop trying to write for potential readers. Commune with me as if we are alone together, because we are in this moment.

    I’m sorry, Lord.

    What is needed is for you to understand and adopt this way of thinking about creation. You think you’re creative because you come up with ideas. Everybody comes up with ideas. Ideas are wisps of smoke. There’s nothing tangible about them. An idea cannot stand the test of time. Principles can, ideas cannot.

    Ok, so right now I’m working on two “ideas”. My business and my ministry. And my salaried job.

    Right. And your app ideas, and your writing infatuation, and whatever else you come up with tomorrow.

    Wait, “writing infatuation”? What’s that about?

    You are studying writing in a way that is meant to influence people. What influences people is passion and heart, not technique.

    I thought I was learning a skill to be valuable in any endeavor.

    No, Michael. It’s a distraction. No writing is perfect. Write from your heart and people will be influenced.

    Aren’t there better ways of communicating and worse ways of communicating?

    Yes, but you need to first learn to communicate from your heart, before you get to the next step, not the other way around.

    Ok. So you want me to stop studying writing technique?

    Yes, and also your app ideas, for now.


    And also one of your professions.


    You can’t serve two masters Michael. Neither profession is getting your 100%. And they might as well each be getting your 0%.



    How does that make sense?

    It doesn’t need to. What you need to do is trust me. You can’t ride two trains without ripping yourself apart in the process.

    What kind of analogy is that?

    One that’s meant to get your attention. This is your life’s work (so far), Michael. It needs your devotion, not your dabbling.


    I’m just getting started.

    Is this fun for you?

    Sure it is. You’re a receptive vessel for me. I always enjoy molding my disciples.

    So… if I need to drop a profession, which one? One is stable, and the other is not but holds far greater potential.

    I didn’t create you to be average, Michael.

    So that means go for the riskier option? Even with all the nuances?

    Those nuances are temporary. You’re handling them well, and you should continue to come to me for strength and support, and not lean on your own understanding. You have tremendous potential, Michael, and it’s being squandered in your “safe” job. Plus it’s in an industry that doesn’t make any sense from my perspective.

    Is it true that even if the riskier job doesn’t work that I’ll still have value and can land a good job later?

    Yes, but you’re asking the wrong question. Why would you want to do that? You have more to offer than they can leverage.

    This is scary. Is it too much to ask for a sign?


    No as in I can ask for a sign?


    Can the sign be that I see someone on the real time stats in analytics right now?

    Go for it.

    Ok, so there were zero visitors. So that’s a sign of what?

    You didn’t request the sign properly.

    How do I request the sign properly?

    You have to be very specific.

    I thought I was. I said someone in analytics right now.

    Yes, but you’re missing something important.

    What am I missing?

    My will.

    What does that mean? I just wanted an arbitrary sign that assured me of your divine control and guidance over the situation.

    There you go.

    There I go what?

    It’s all about you.

    Ok, so what would be a sign that’s about you?

    How about if it’s my will that you pursue the business, that I will choose the sign and it will be unmistakeable to you since we’ve just had this discussion?

    Fair enough. That would be great. Is there a time frame that I should expect to experience the sign?

    You will experience it soon. If it’s my will that you choose this new direction, you know that there’s some time sensitivity. Just be expectant.

    Ok, Lord.

    Good night, Michael.

    Good night.

  • Prayer

    Posted on August 25th, 2013 michael No comments


    Clear your mind Michael.

    I know, I’m all over the place.

    This is good. Writing your prayers helps you to focus your thoughts. I’m surprised you’ve resisted for so long. I have so much to share.

    Like what?

    Like why you don’t come to me for council.

    You want to share with me why I don’t come to you for council? Or you want me to come to you for council?


    What do you mean by the first?

    There’s a reason you don’t come to me for council.


    Yes, Michael.

    Don’t lose this stream of thought. Your pride is your primary limitation. You are very capable; I have made it so. You have great things in store for you and I have much to do through you for the benefit of this world and for my glory. But you must release your pride. It will not work the way you or I want if you won’t come to me for council. I am your master. Do you accept that.

    Yes, master.

    I am your teacher. Do you accept that?

    Yes, teacher.

    Then come to me. I’m always here. This writing has always been fruitful for you Michael.

    I suppose I’ve felt …

    Stop Michael. Your “feelings” betray you. Just stop. You know the fruit that has been borne of your prayer and your writing out your prayer.

    Yes, Lord.

    So your “feelings” are of no consequence, and your “feelings” have gotten in the way of our communion and my ability to bless you.

    Your ability?

    Yes, Michael. Your acceptance and reception hinders my ability. I have made it so by providing you with your own conscience. Yes, I know the end from the beginning, but I do not make your decisions for you; that would make our relationship an artificial one.

    I understand.


    Yes, Lord?

    You do not know what you don’t know.

    Thanks captain obvious.

    Ha ha. What I mean is… receive this Michael. You’re fighting what you think I’m about to say. Let down your wall and receive what is right and good for you.

    Ok Lord. I’m just afraid that your council will lead me away from what I’ve invested so greatly in.

    Michael. You have not invested yourself wholly into your business. You know this. You’ve been receiving my thoughts all night.

    Yes, Lord. So… what is it? I didn’t pour myself in because I trusted too much in other people? I thought that was what was in the best interest of the team. I thought the team was your doing, put together for each person’s own experience, skill and contribution and value.

    Michael. The pieces were there, but the intent was not.

    What do you mean intent?

    Some intend to work. Some intend to build.

    What does that mean? I think I understand, but it doesn’t seem quite right to me.

    When you build, you start from nothing. You start with an empty palatte; a blank sheet of paper. Some of the founders came in with too much expectation already written on their hearts. To much entitlement.

    Did I have entitlement?

    Some, but not what others did. How can a business pay employees when a business doesn’t have any income? How can a plant produce fruit, when it has no roots or water or soil. Your company wasn’t even planted and founders were already expecting to be paid.

    I suppose that’s true. Are we planted now?

    In a way, yes. But there’s so much more to do. The seed is sewn, but it needs regular feeding, proper sunlight, proper water, rich soil… you can’t strip a plant of it’s future fruit. To do so is to rape the plant of its potential.

    Not sure I understand this. If we had investors, and some founders had financial needs, isn’t it ok to pay them for their time?

    Yes, but then don’t call them founders. They’re not the seed; they’re the water.

    I sort of understand the analogy, but not sure about the specifics. Do you want me to understand the specifics.

    Not necessarily; I want you to understand my point. You were not fully invested. Your father is right in that regard.


    You put faith in people, rather than coming to me for council, and now you’re in a hole.


    You didn’t stand up for what you knew was right with the equity situation, and instead chose the easy road and deferred to the group, and now you’re in a hole.


    You created a product / program based on your own supposed wisdom, and left me out of the equation, and now you’re in a hole.


    Michael. You’re in a serious hole, and you need to come to grips with that.

    I understand. I know. Everything always seems like it’s right around the corner. Like right now, feeling like our assumptions will be validated with website traffic.

    Whether it is or it isn’t, you didn’t come to me, and your product isn’t what it could be – yet.

    Well, what do you want me to do? It seems like there are so many paths. I feel like I’m drowning in minutiae.

    The first step is trusting in me. And trusting in me means knowing that I know best, and that I want to share my guidance with you. That’s part of how I bless you. I don’t just wave a wand and create outcomes – usually. I bless the process, which ends up bearing vibrant fruit.

    I understand. What is the next step.

    One step Michael. One step in faith. Trust in me. See if you can keep that perspective for one day and we can talk again tomorrow.

    Ok. Thank you Lord.

    Good night Michael.