An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Prayer

    Posted on October 31st, 2013 michael No comments


    I’m here.

    Do you agree Jesus Christ came in the flesh?

    Yes, I agree.

    Lord, I am really fixated on the name of the new venture. Do you care what the name is? Do you have guidance? Or should I not even worry about it?

    Michael, you are right that a name means a lot. There is power in the name; do not take it lightly. Yes, I would like to influence you in naming this venture. It will set the tone for people’s first impression of the company. It must be relevant, professional, inspire curiosity, and make people feel good about saying it to others.

    Yes, yes, yes!

    Don’t get too excited. It will hamper your ability to hear me. Stay quiet.

    Ok, Lord.

    You’re able to help people in so many ways. The name must not paint you in a corner.The name must exude confidence.

    I’m keying in on the word you used – able. What about Able Marketing?

    Check it out and see how it feels.

    Well, I went to check it out and my internet connection was down.

    Don’t sweat it – check now.


    Able has very strong definitions, but I don’t see an obvious URL for it.

    Well, what you did see is there’s no one else credible that has an obvious URL for it – that’s good.


    Google it

    So where are you leading me Lord? I asked my partner what he thought of using Able or Abel in the name.

    That’s fine. What I lead you to, I will also lead him. It is good to seek his confirmation.

    Ok, good. That’s very reassuring that it won’t be left to my receptiveness and interpretation of these impressions I’m receiving from you.

    Michael. These impressions are important. Don’t subjugate them to others’ approval unless I tell you who to seek that approval from. If I’m not leading someone specifically where I’m leading you, then that person may not affirm what you feel you’re receiving from me, which will undermine my guidance, and make this much much more difficult. Don’t seek man’s approval. And don’t be afraid of their scorn.

    Yes, Lord.

    Wait for your partners confirmation and come back to Me.

    Yes, Lord.

  • Prayer

    Posted on October 30th, 2013 michael No comments


    Yes, Michael. I’m here.

    Do you agree Jesus Christ came in the flesh?

    Yes, I do.

    Speak, Michael.

    I am hungry for your guidance. I want to follow your plan, not mine. Do you have more vision to share with me?

    Do you feel inspired?

    With the vision so far? Immensely! That vision sounds like an amazing place to work, and to grow together with other Christians through our work. Amazing!

    Only I could do that.

    Yes, Lord. Only you. It’s not me. I don’t want the credit. I want you to have the glory.

    I will not take responsibility for your decisions Michael; only my guidance. You must be as holy as possible for you to receive my guidance as clearly as possible. As you like to say, you are a conduit for my power, and the conduit must be clean for the power to flow as effectively as possible.


    Yes, Lord.

    You have the vision. You need to clean out your life.

    I understand. I know of what you speak. My vice is alcohol. Even though I’m not abusing it, I’m still turning to it instead of turning to you.

    Turn to me, Michael.

    Yes, Lord. Will you withhold next steps until I get this resolved?

    Not withhold, but you may not hear me clearly. There is danger in that. My plan will continue to unfold, and you need to continue to come to me, but you need to focus on cleaning out your life of that which gets in the way of my will.

    I’m thinking TV is also an issue?

    Somewhat, but that’s also time you and [your wife] enjoy together, laughing and relating. That’s fine. Don’t spend inordinate time in solitude watching TV though. There are more important things to do. Keep my vision clearly in mind.

    Yes, Lord.

    Your obedience will result in blessing. Not that I withhold blessing, but because disobedience gets in the way of you receiving all that I want to bless you with.

    I understand.

    Do you want to attain the vision?

    I think more than anything I’ve ever wanted… and it’s funny because the vision has nothing to do with financial “success”. It’s simply an outcome of success.

    Yes, Michael. The goal is not money. You know this intellectually, but you’re starting to understand it more experientially. That’s good. The experience is a far greater driver than money. Money is hollow. Money is just a resource toward what you really want – experiences.

    I understand. So, the vision is complete, and I’m to clean out my life?

    The vision is not complete; it’s just revealed as much as you need for now. But yes, clean out your life.

    Should I share the vision with [my business partner]?

    Of course!

    Will he have a symbiotic vision? Have you revealed anything to him?

    I’ve revealed and will continue to reveal, but in different ways. The symbiosis of your vision with his will be your confirmation. But don’t rush him. Let his process evolve as he is ready for it to. When he’s ready, you two can discuss what you see in your future.

    Yes, Lord. Thank you Lord.

  • Prayer

    Posted on October 30th, 2013 michael No comments

    Heavenly Father

    Yes, Michael

    Do you agree that Jesus Christ came in the flesh?

    Yes, I do.

    Heavenly Father. I need your wisdom and guidance about my father. I need peace from this feeling of disappointment and embarassment and abandonment. I gave him everything I had, and he still turned on me.

    Michael, you gave him truth, trust, and support. What else can you give?

    Should I have given him more time?

    What good would that have done? The result would have been the same. Michael, trust in my plan. You are right that there was purpose in your business venture, but not the purpose you wanted to believe. Only purpose that you’re now beginning to see.

    So, you wanted me and my friend to go into business alone all along?

    Isn’t that what you asked for?

    I suppose I did. He is a great fit for me. Did I do anything wrong in my last venture?

    Michael. You do not deserve the blame your father is dishing out to you. He has no legitimate reason to tear you down as he has. You know your truth, and he doesn’t see or understand it. Be at peace with my plan. You are back in my plan.

    I want to stay there. How will I know if I’m not in your plan?

    Things will feel hurried, forced, or unsure.

    So, if I have doubt in something, it’s not from you?

    If something is from me, don’t you think I’d try to influence you to have confidence about it?

    I suppose so. I still don’t know that I have peace. I want the anxiety to go away about my father.

    Your fears or anxiety can go away by focusing on me. Focus on me, Michael.

  • Prayer

    Posted on October 29th, 2013 michael No comments

    Lord. Jesus Christ.

    Yes, Michael.

    Do you agree that Jesus Christ came in the flesh?

    Yes, Michael.

    I’m hungry for more of your vision for my new venture.

    Are you sure?

    I think so…

    You may not necessarily like what you see. Or it may feel unexpected. Are you going to temper my words and wisdom?

    No, as long as they coincide with your word (the Bible).

    Good. Sit back and face up and close your eyes.

    [It took a little while, and I asked what He wanted me to see and He said be patient]

    [I saw snow, lots of it. Surrounding the building, but not getting into the center park area. I saw some sort of celebration happening in the park area while the snow was covering the ground outside. I asked ‘Wyoming?’ and then dismissed the thought. I continued to see snow and a large amount of land surrounding the building without buildings or anything, at least behind it, and asked again ‘Wyoming?’ and felt I received His response ‘Yes’. I asked ‘Why??’ The response was ‘Because that’s where you’ll flourish.’ I didn’t hear why that would be the case. I suppose He wants me to trust Him, but I did feel like that’s where I’d find the people I need, people who aren’t enamored with the city / suburban life.]

    Lord, is it too much to ask for understanding about Wyoming? There’s no way I can move my family there based on an impression. Everything else you’ve shown me are things that can take time, and it’s a vision of what I’m striving for. But Wyoming is just such a radical change.

    I knew you’d squirm 🙂

    Yeah, I’m squirming!

    Well, you don’t have to move right now! That is the vision. You’ll understand more over time.

    Ok. What else would you like to show me?

    What would you like to see?

    Whatever you’d like to show me. I’m done putting my expectations on you.

    Good. How’s this…

    Shaping a new course for people to use when building their dream. Come to me. Receive the vision. Take one step at a time. Don’t get ahead of yourself, or you’ll end up spinning out of control or worse, busting your butt chasing what you think will make you happy, rather than what I know will.

    So true. So this venture will influence others?

    Yes, Michael. You will provide a blueprint for others to truly find purpose and inspiration in their work. It starts with me, but in ways many people think they understnad but few people do.

    Ok. I am blessed that you would speak through me to others in this venture.

    Oh, I’ll be doing much more than that. I’ll be blessing your employees directly through the company. Don’t take too much credit, which is none. You are my vessel. I’m not doing this through you; I’m doing this in spite of you, but through a willing vessel. I will bless those around you, but also because they are willing vessels and are able to receive my blessing because of the experience that this company provides. This company is not about money, Michael. You will have success in many ways, but a fat bankroll is not the objective here.

    What’s the objective?

    An experience. the experience of how a life’s work could feel to those who are willing to take the chance to do something different. This company will become a model for other companies. People will want to work for you so bad, that you’ll have your pick of thousands of applicants, yes wanting to move to Wyoming!


    Is that one of the reasons for Wyoming?

    It is, but that’s just scratching the surface. People will want to work here intensely. They’ll want to remove themselves from living other people’s dreams when they realize they can be part of a company of people but still living out their own dreams and the dreams I have for them. A “company” is not a controlling body, like it commonly exists around you. A “company” is simply a group of people, willing to work together, toward common goals. To foster people’s energy, engagement, and creativity, you need to align with their dreams.

    This is a lot to take in. It’s radical. I shared it with my wife last night, and it was pretty evident that she had major skepticism. I kept saying she probably thinks I’m crazy.

    Michael, people will think you’re crazy. Get over it. Anyone who does something world-changing is thought of as crazy by many people and for long periods of time.


    Your goal is to give this venture to me, right?


    To “test” this “crazy” idea you have that by truly turning over your business to me, that you will be blessed by it.


    Well, that’s exactly what will happen. You may trust that.

    Will the vision happen?

    That depends.

    On what?

    You mean on who.

    On who?

    You, of course.

    In what way?

    In all ways.


    Michael… you are my vessel. I am able to influence you as much as you allow me to. You’re able to shut me out. You’re able to simply become distracted – like with your website names, etc.

    I know…

    I will lead you. Don’t worry about how much you’re accomplishing. Let me orchestrate this for you. You don’t have to get out a product; you need me working in your life, and guiding you toward the right activity. You know that being busy is not the goal. Make sure that you have my guidance and your activity will be as effective as it possibly can be.

    I’m afraid I won’t be able to do what you ask.

    It’s not a question of ability, it’s only a question of willingness.

    I’m afraid I won’t be willing to do certain things that you ask.

    Then I will ask you to recruit someone who IS willing to do what I ask. I can work through you, despite your fears and personal baggage. This vision is so strong, and will appeal to the right people, that they’ll want to help you build it.


    Be strong in knowing I’m with you, Michael.

    Yes, Lord. I can do anything with you. You can do anything through me.

    Is there anything more you can share about the vision?

    Not now, Michael. Come back rested.

  • Prayer

    Posted on October 27th, 2013 michael No comments

    Lord. Christ Jesus.

    I’m here.

    Do you agree that Christ Jesus came in the flesh?

    Yes Michael.

    Am I actually speaking with my Lord?

    Michael, you are speaking with His Spirit. His truth is my truth and your truth. it is as if you are speaking directly to Him.

    The Holy Spirit?

    I am.

    What are you?

    You mean who.

    Who are you?

    I am one with the Father and the Son. I am your connection to His infinite wisdom. I work within you to influence you toward His will. But you make the ultimate decision for your own behavior.

    I see.

    It’s really not that complicated. You don’t have to make it out to be more than it is.

    So you’re obviously invisible to me. But are you some sort of force field?

    LOL. Michael, we’re not in Star Wars. I am best understood as a form of living energy; energy with consciousness but without form. You don’t have to understand it to accept it. Because you won’t understand it.

    Ok. I am coming to you in prayer tonight for your guidance.

    I know. Speak; ask.

    Do you intend for me and my friend to go into business together?

    You’ve already received my answer on that. This was the intent all along. You asked for something very specific, and you’ve received it. Unfortunately, you and he were blinded by temptation of focusing on money to see what my intent truly was for you.

    I understand, and I’m sorry.

    The only one you have to be sorry to is yourself. I’m trying to answer your prayers. I’m trying to bless you. You need to ABIDE in me and your life will produce abundant fruit, including most importantly the “fruit of the Spirit”.

    I feel my life is producing those, but I know that that fruit has been strained as of late. It shouldn’t have gone down this way.

    You asked for an unmistakeable sign. That was the only way that you would let go.

    I understand. I accept that. Thank you.

    You’re welcome. We’re not done.

    I hope not. What else would you like to tell me?

    What else would you like to know?

    Well, I’d like to form this new business and be able to be a conduit for your love and blessing and abundance to my family and your church. Is that what you intend?

    It is.

    Would you care to elaborate?

    I would.

    Well, then please do.

    Michael.. just listen. Calm yourself. Be still. I’m going to show you.

    Michael, get your mind out of the way. Clear your mind and see what I have to show you. Stop picturing a house; it’s not a house.

    [I’m seeing a building; it looks like a one story, sprawling building; I’m bad at estimating size, but it looks like it may be something like 5 houses wide from the front. It looks like a cross between looking like a church and a business structure in some way, at least that’s how it feels. It’s simple, but beautiful, in structure and landscaping. Seeing it from the top, it appears that the structure is in the shape of a square, with a center area that’s uncovered, more like a park. It looks like it’s designed to feel like a simple place to be in natural surroundings while at work. Inside the building structure, I see wide open spaces, I see one man in particular looking up from meeting with a group of people and he smiles at my briefly and returns to work. People are dressed casually, but appropriately and respectfully toward a place of business / worship. The walls appear to be muted natural colors with pops of color, like a scene in nature. I get the sense that people don’t really have a primary desk per se, but that they work where they need or want to work to get the job done, including in the park environment in the center. People are focused, and passionate about what they’re doing, but demonstrate a peace about it.]

    Is there anything else you want to show me?

    Yes, Michael. Be patient. Stay focused. There’s much more.

    [The furniture…There isn’t a lot of it. It looks like the space is designed to encourage standing and moving rather than sitting. People in fact are moving around it seems much more than I usually see inan office environment. People are encouraged / expected to change their environment periodically throughout the day. People are encouraged / expected to congregate together in ad-hoc fashion in small groups to raise issues or problems to get on-the-spot support / coaching. There is a genuine sense of caring, joy, peace, .. truly fruit of the Spirit is present and pervasive. If someone raised their voice in anything but positive excitement, all would know quickly. I get the sense that it’s happened, and people have learned that you’re asked to step away or simply leave the office until you’ve regrouped. People feel a genuine sense of being valued in this place. Intrinsically and professionally. People are asked for their opinions, even when it may not necessarily be their area of expertise or authority. There is authority in place, in terms of decision making, but the authority stops there. People have roles and goals, not responsibilities and accountability. Compensation is based on subsistence-level plus degrees of reward for goal attainment. The role determines the focus, but the goal attainment determines the compensation. Employees set their own goals. Management decides what that goal is worth to the company if it’s attained. Anyone is able to knock a ball out of the park and be blessed commensurately immediately. People make their own hours. There is no PTO or vacation or sick time. People work when and where they want to – but they WANT to be in the office because of its very nature. But they can come and go as they please because they’re paid based on the attainment of goals, not based on time. People also feel that they have a sense of ownership about the place – there may be an equity sharing program, but there’s also a sense of pride and family and not wanting to let others down.]

    Wow, that was a lot more. Is there more?

    Of course! Do you want to see?


    [The floor is natural materials, even sand in some places inside. It appears that there are planter beds in the ground even inside the building. Ceilings are high, some think they’re too high, like it’s a waste of space, but the space is used in interesting ways to get people to look up into the space often, as if looking up for inspiration. There are symbols of the Spirit throughout, a reminder that He is always with us and just a prayer away. Everyone knows the vision, not just the objectives of the business. They are passionate about building the vision – this amazing experience they get to call work. A place they bring their kids on occasion, which now I see there’s space allocated for child care in one corner of the building, and even a playground outside. I can’t tell where the building is by looking at it, but it appears like it’s sitting pretty alone in a very green surrounding. I wondered about location and the state of Wyoming popped into mind randomly, but I am not sure whether that was a true vision. But it feels like it’s in a place that would be agreeable to it’s overall tone and style – some place away from any cities, in an area where the pace is slower and more deliberate.]

    This sounds amazing. What do I call you?

    You can call me Lord, as I am His Spirit.

    Lord, thank you for this vision, this dream. What an inspiration to drive my work!

    You’re welcome. Your time is coming. My time is coming through you. Stay vigilant; stay connected to me; ABIDE in me; come to me in prayer.

    Oh, what other thing I need your help with. A name for the business.


    Vision what? “Vision” is used in many ways already.

    Vision what?

    Stop going to the web searches. I know what you’ll find there.

    I’m sorry. I trust in you. I just am not 100% I trust in my reception of your instruction.

    Vision is what companies have. Any company. They start with where they are, and they envision a brighter tomorrow. Vision is everything. You don’t progress without a clear sense of where you’re heading. Vision is critical.

    I understand. And agree. Inspire me Lord!

    Haven’t I already?

    Yes 🙂 You have. The name issue is so hard for me. I’d love to have this settled.

    You did it again.

    I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I feel like I get an idea, and it may be from you so I check it out.

    Don’t worry about the domain name. Do you really think people will care what your domain name is if you are the best at what you do? You need a simple name and domain.

    Yeah, I agree. So what would you like our company to be called?

    Stop trying to figure it out and just be inspired.

    Vision Squared

    Ok, so I looked and the domain is not available.

    Well that’s not the name. Not the whole name anyway.

    Ok… To be honest, I’m not sure how I’m feeling about this name.

    Michael… stop worrying about the domain for a second. Just stop it!

    Ugh.. I’m sorry!

    You’re getting worked up Michael. We need to stop. You’re not in a receptive mode.

    I can be.

    No. We need to stop.

    If you want Vision in our name, will you affirm that to my friend?

    If your friend affirms it, you will know it’s right.

  • Prayer

    Posted on October 21st, 2013 michael No comments

    Lord, I’m here. Please speak to me.

    Honor your father. But honoring your father does not mean following him.

    I understand.

    Honor means learning from his experiences. Understand what his life has to teach in my name. And apply it. Be the man your father…

    Michael, you corrected me. Don’t do that. Let my voice flow.

    Be the man your father cannot be.

    I’m sorry Lord. I corrected you because I thought I was not hearing you correctly. “Cannot be?” He can be who you want him to be, can’t he?

    Only if he turns to me. But he’s blinding himself. His experiences and decisions blind him, just as yours do. But you may honor him by having an objective perspective on his experiences and decisions.

    I’m so sorry I have pushed your guidance aside. I’ve only heard what I wanted to hear. I’ve known that all along in this.

    It’s ok Michael. As long as you learn from it. If you end up in the same position again, it will be another waste of time.

    Will you bless my time and experience in this?

    You know I will. You have learned and are better equipped now for what comes next.

    What comes next?

    Don’t worry about that – just trust in me.

    Yes, Lord.

    I’m so sorry.

    I know Michael

    Feel it Michael. Don’t push it aside. It’s right for you to feel this way for any lack of trust in my guidance, but I forgive you. I love you.

    I know, Lord.

    Michael, be at peace.

    How is that possible?

    Michael, I am your peace.

    But my relationship with my father is now again in the toilet.

    I am your father. He cannot be who I can be for you. I understand your desire for relationship with him, but he is a man… fallible and broken, just like you. I am your perfect father. Trust in me – please!!!

    I was going to say “I do”, but I now realize that it’s more than just saying the words… trust means demonstration. I did a piss poor job of demonstrating that didn’t I?

    Michael, your heart was good and pure. You just didn’t trust in me. You kept your integrity throughout. Don’t let his lashings sway you from your holiness. I took lashings too.

    Yes, Lord, you did.

    Your lashings hurt. As did mine.

    There’s no comparison.

    There is, Michael. Emotional lashings leave scars, just as physical ones do.

    Should I protect myself and my family from future lashings?

    Love him. He’s tormented by a past you cannot imagine. and a genealogy you’ve also inherited. Be the one to stop this in its tracks. You have young ones. Don’t let them carry this pain and burden.

    What pain and burden?

    Poor me. This feeling of inadequacy.

    This feeling like you’re not good enough. I made you. You are good enough. You’re more than that. You are my child. I made you for so much more.

    I’m sorry, Lord. I feel too beat down for a pep talk.

    Then he’s already won.


    The enemy.

    My dad?

    No, THE enemy. Don’t let him in. At any cost.

    I accept your truth that I am your son, and I can always come to you as the perfect father.

    Good. Don’t forget. Times won’t necessarily get easier.

    I know. I have a suspicion that things are about to get tougher. I pray for your blessing and protection. Please guide those who may have influence on my life to decide in ways to bless me and my family. I pray for your favor Lord.

    You have my favor. Stay true to who you are – my child, born for greatness, born to rule in my name. I am your master. You are my son. Come to me and receive peace and eternal prosperity.

    Thank you Lord.