An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • About

    About this Blog

    This blog is intended to be a conduit for God’s love – to share my experience toward wisdom.  My hope is that God will speak through me, onto these virtual pages, and will bring others to Him through my experiences.  I don’t currently have a plan – I trust in His plan and commit to relinquishing my will in favor of His.  I aim (and will fight) to be as transparent as possible so that my interests don’t get in the way of God’s will.

    If all of the time I plan on putting into this site results in God bringing one person closer to Him, through Jesus Christ, it will have been worthwhile.  Maybe you are that person – I pray that He blesses you.

    I would love to hear from you.  You may comment on any post you like – let me know what speaks to you or how God may have called out to you through these writings.

    About Me

    I’m not a writer.  I’m not a spiritual teacher or pastor.  I am simply a man who’s searching for truth, for wisdom.  In my search for truth, I found Jesus Christ – or should I say, He found me.

    For a long time now, ever since I recommitted my life to Christ as an adult, I’ve had a yearning for serving Him.  I have an entrepreneurial business background, so have come up with dozens of ‘ideas’ for how to serve His kingdom.  I have thought “what can I do with the ‘talents’ that I have been entrusted with?”  However, every time I start down the path, my business mind starts to focus on money, rather than the honest and true spirit of serving Him.

    Throughout my life, and lately especially since my renewed relationship with Christ, I have felt a closeness with God.  I think I have always recognized Him as being ‘there’, but there have also been times when I turned my back on Him.  Since reaffirming myself to Him, I have felt especially ‘in tune’ with Him through prayer.  I know, without any doubt, that He speaks to me as often as I make myself receptive.

    Statement of Faith

    Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; was buried; and rose again the third day according to the scriptures.

    There is nothing I have done or can do to earn justification, sanctification and/or glorification. However I accept the Heavenly Father’s gift with humility and praise. I accept that the shedding of Christ’s blood represents a legal ‘transaction’ that allows me, a sinner, to enter into relationship and communion with our holy and just Creator.

    The Bible is the living, inerrant Word of God, and speaks in its entirety of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. It represents truth, according to the Father and Creator, but does not necessarily represent all insight or wisdom that He has or will impart to mankind.