An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • The Rock San Diego – 8/2/09 – Bubbles – Part 6, Jesus Answers

    Posted on October 19th, 2009 michael No comments
    1. Praying in Jesus name implies that you have a biblical relationship with Him.
      • In a biblical relationship with Jesus, you acknowledge that everything good about you is from Him.
    2. Praying in Jesus’ name acknowledges Jesus as your only access to God.
      • You have access to God only because Jesus, the Son of God, died on the cross to forgive your sins and give you that access.
    3. Praying in Jesus’ name means that you acknowledge the unique value of the Father’s wealth.
      • You go to the Father in Jesus’ name because you realize there is no where else you can go to get what you are looking for.
      • There are things that only God can give you.
    4. Praying in Jesus’ name acknowledges your right to blessings assigned to you.
      • You are praying in Jesus’ name to say, “God, I am really only asking for what You have assigned to me. I would love to have this, this, and this, but in Jesus’ name, if You don’t want me to have it, that’s okay.”
      • You don’t want to walk through doors that God hasn’t prepared for you
    5. Praying in Jesus’ name assumes you have credible identification.
      • To have the Lord acknowledge you, you must understand and accept who He really is, have a biblical relationship with Him, have access to Him, acknowledge His value, and accept His will for you