An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Benefits of a Christian Blog

    Consider sitting with the most respected and experienced mentor in your professional field, and walking away without any notes. How much do you think you would remember in a day? A week? A year? You may remember one or two things that really stuck with you, but you definitely wouldn’t remember any level of detail, and most of the time, success is in the details.

    Now consider sitting with that mentor for 15 or 30 minutes a day, learning lessons as you are ready to accept and integrate those lessons into your life. You know that if you didn’t take notes, you would end up rehashing the same lessons over and over, because it takes repetition to learn a new skill successfully. If you had notes to refer back to, you would be able to review at any time, refer to them when you’re in a situation that called for insight and wisdom, and follow the guidance from the mentor without having to learn the hard way.

    There are many widely regarded benefits of journaling, even from a purely secular perspective. How much more important then, is journaling your relationship with, and learning from, Christ?

    If God was working in your life, wouldn’t you want a record of how He was working so that you could look back and remember events and your impressions of those events as they truly happened?

    If you have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, then He is working in your life. Would you risk losing clarity about how God has worked in your life when you need it most – during the times of testing? Testing is not for passing or failing, but for growth. When you are tested, your clarity about how God has worked in your life could mean the difference between a period of testing of a month, and a period of testing of years!

    When you’re ready to take your relationship with Christ to a whole new level, sign up to create your own Beginning of Wisdom journal! We will help you make the most of your journal, but now and in the future.

    If you’re in doubt, pray to Christ, your teacher, see how His Spirit leads, and obey his call or command.

    Sign me up!