An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Fruit

    Fruit is the whole point. Fruit could refer to actual fruit or flower. This is why you plant and tend, for the beauty of the fruit. The beauty of the fruit glorifies the one who made it possible; the one who cultivated the soil, planted the right seeds, allowed for the right amount of sun and water, and provided opportunity for optimal growth.

    The fruit is a natural result of the conditions around the plant; the plant doesn’t have to try to produce the fruit, it produces what it was supposed to produce since it was a seed.

    The fruit of a plant also offers new life, as fruits contain seeds for new plants of its kind to fall to the ground around the plant (near or in soil that is already right for its kind), and new life may sprout and provide greater yield in the next season.

    Spiritually, the same description applies. Your fruit as a Christian is apparent in how sensitive, or in tune, you are with God’s call and command, how quickly you heed His call and command, and how you affect those around you. If your relationship with Christ is blossoming, you will see the affect of Christ on those around you – your relationship with Him will be evidenced by those around you and their relationship with Him.

    Do not focus on the fruit, as it will be a natural product of the relationship itself. If it feels forced, then you likely need to tend to other things (see the first 3 stages above).

    The fruit of your life glorifies God. The Bible calls this Glorification.