An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Trust in the Moment

    Posted on September 30th, 2008 michael No comments

    Today, Chuck Missler impressed upon me the same point that I prayed about last night.  I am listening to Acts 15, and he said some things about how some people think that God spoke more directly to disciples in Acts than He does today.  Chuck pointed out that Acts was written by Luke after the fact, with the benefit of hindsight, but if you sketch out the happenings of Paul’s ministry at this time, it was actually a series of seeming failures and disappointments, at the time.  ONLY later are they able to look back and see how the Holy Spirit was guiding their every move and even later (our current perspective) are you now able to see that those disappointments for Paul created the context for Jesus’ later seven letters to seven churches.

    I need to realize / trust that the Holy Spirit is at work in my life, regardless of whether I can see, intuitively, what the purpose is of each circumstance.  Thinking further about this, it ties straight into the message from Doyle on Sunday as well… interesting.

    Thank you Lord for your perfect timing and your directing my life.  Please give me the courage and discipline to look for your moment-to-moment direction and trust that circumstances have meaning only when looked at in the context of your work in my life.  I concede my life to doing your work, and look forward to the journey of growth in our relationship.  Thank you for all you have blessed me and my family with, but please keep us humble and focused on You.

  • In the Moment

    Posted on September 30th, 2008 michael No comments

    I prayed last night in a way that was somewhat new to me. I have gained insight recently that I should be focusing much more on the relationship with God, rather than focusing so much on what He wants me to do. God wants my love, and THEN he can entrust me with his work. Love is first in his heart, then He can provide direction.

    So what I did was pray to Him in a more personal way. I was completely up-front and honest and personal rather than formal. I immediately received an answer.

    The answer I felt impressed upon me was that I have been asking for God to map out His plans. That is not what God wants. God impressed upon me that He is available to me at all times, and will answer in the moments of decision, not in the efforts of planning. This means that when confronted with this path or that path, God wants to be involved. God will also guide my actions, but only in the moment, not forecasting. I was blown away by how direct and to the point I felt His response was to me. [God’s voice but in reflection]

    I commit to inviting God to be involved in moment-to-moment decisions throughout my life.