An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Quick Direction

    Posted on January 9th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. I just wanted to check in with you to see what format you want me to use to continue on the teaching material?

    Whatever works better for you, Michael. Just continue making progress.

    Please Lord. I’d like your guidance on this. For example, should people be able to read the material before it’s completed?

    Again, it doesn’t really matter. It just matters that you continue to make progress. At least on the internet, there’s a chance that someone could stumble across it and could be blessed by it.

    Ok, Lord.

  • Footstool

    Posted on January 9th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord, Jesus. I thank you for speaking to me in all of the ways that you do. I thank you for orchestrating my life. I recognize that you are in control, and even my challenges will be used for your glory.

    Lord, as I was watching Joel Osteen’s sermon today, it struck me that his message was extremely pertinent for me right now, with what is going on with me and my dad. He talked about how you use challenges and persecution and even enemies to lift me up to greater blessing and your glory. Are you using my father in this way?

    Michael, I am removing your dependence upon him. Your dependence belongs on me. Without your father as a psychological safety net (regardless of whether he actually was), you will look to me with greater trust.

    Side note: during a flurry of emails with my dad, I asked the Lord for his guidance in His word. I know this is not generally accepted as a trustworthy approach, I asked the Lord to use my hands to open the Bible to a pertinent verse to speak to me through. I turned to the page prior to Romans 8:28, which I immediately recognized, turned the page, and it was the first verse on that next page.

    This is an important time, Michael. This is putting great stress on you, but it’s good stress if it is responded to in a constructive way. Your stress will force you to look for comfort. Where will you find it?

    You, Lord. I find my comfort in you.

    Those are the words, but your behavior will reveal your heart. You know what I speak of.

    I know… I feel like I’m looking to my former comforts, which are all distraction from, and even sin against, you.

    Stay with me Michael. Stay focused on me. Seek my face and you will be blessed. Trust in me and you will be elevated for my glory.

    I feel so lost again, Lord. I feel like I’m going in a million directions again.

    That’s because you’re not staying focused on what I asked you to do.

    HEAR ME: you can have success in things that are not of my will. The success will be your perception of success, and the “blessings” will be from your interpretation of the source, but your perceptions are flawed.  If you are not focused on my will, and carrying out my commands for your life, you will wander.

    I get the sense that my ideas are dangerous.

    Michael, realize that they may not be your ideas.

    Then whose ideas are they?

    If they’re not mine and they’re not yours, then they can only be from the enemy.

    So, what I thought were my ideas, rooted from my focus on you, could actually be from the enemy?

    The enemy uses my name all the time, Michael. He is not afraid to masquerade. That’s part of his deceit. If he can’t get you to sin outright, he’ll distract you. He’ll even use your focus on me as a reason to swell your pride, to make you think that what you do “in my name” glorifies me, when actually all it does is distract you from your purpose.

    You see, Michael. The sad thing is, what people think is good, isn’t necessarily good. People, even saved people, spend their entire lives doing what they think is right and good. The problem is, they don’t ask me what they really should be doing – what I want them to do. This is exactly what’s going on with you, and exactly why you feel lost right now. I gave you a task, and you focus on it for a small time, then you move on to your priorities. It’s understandable because it’s your nature, but it doesn’t glorify me, no matter what you think. It becomes a distraction from my purpose.

    Your whole escapade with the consultant was a complete waste of your time. It put stress on you and caused you doubt – that is not from me.

    I understand, Lord. And I am so sorry. I’m such a fool.

    Michael, I love you. Stay focused on me. Your obedience demonstrates your trust. Do you trust me, Michael? Do you really trust me?


    Then obey me. I am your Lord. I’m hear to help you – I am serving you with my calls and commands.

    Ok, Lord. Please refocus my attention. Where do you want my focus?

    On writing your teaching material.

    Lord, I have to say, I’m really uncomfortable with my teaching material. I don’t feel qualified. And honestly, I also fear people’s judgement because I’m not qualified. If that material is flawed in some way, people could get led astray.

    You know my response Michael. I am qualified to speak through you. People’s judgement doesn’t matter in the least. Truth will prevail. If you have 1,000 dissenters and one person attains intimate communion with me through reading and applying your teaching material, it will please and glorify me.

    Ok, Lord.

    Lord, Jesus. Are there any assumptions I’m making about my writing material or Beginning of Wisdom that are erroneous?

    That is an excellent question, Michael. That is a question that you need to come to me for on a frequent and consistent basis. It prepares you to receive reproof.

    Yes, there are false assumptions that you’re making. But, they are not currently important.

    Lord, why do none of the people I invited to read my prayer journal keep up with it?

    Michael, because they cannot relate to it. They can’t engage with it. You’ve hit on a huge assumption – that people want to engage with each other’s most intimate thoughts and feelings. The fact is, people can hardly deal with their own intimate thoughts and feelings, let alone engage with someone else’s, and especially provide feedback. It’s unnatural.

    Seriously? So BoW has been a waste?

    It has not been a waste, but you’re not ready for it yet. You keep going down tangents. Stay true to me and I’ll show you the way. Remember that if what you’re doing is not in alignment with my call or command, it may be a distraction from the enemy himself.

    This is so demoralizing.

    This too, is a footstool toward your growth and my glory.

    Ok, Lord. I trust you. I will focus on my teaching material once more. Are the current topics consistent with your intent?

    Yes, Michael – communion with me.

    Is it appropriate that the subjects are separated?

    No, Michael. It’s one subject.

    Lord, is this a book? Are you leading me toward writing a book?

    You’ll see.

    I’m not qualified for this!

    Michael, I am qualified. Trust me.

    Ok. Thank you for your guidance and love.

    Be at peace Michael. Do not be afraid.