An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Juice Fast – Day 3

    Posted on January 27th, 2013 michael No comments

    Woke up this morning sensing a different energy than I’m used to. I’m used to being groggy for at least 10-20 minutes, but this morning, I could sense a clarity of mind from the moment I sat up.

    Also, was happy to see a lower number on the scale this morning.  7.5 lbs so far – in 2 days of juice fasting. That seems like a lot. I can’t imagine that was anything but waste and water. But it is still good to see the number going down so fast. I’m going to need to keep an eye on the weight after the fast is over, to see where I stabilize to.

    Had probably the nastiest juice last night.. beets, carrots, tomatoes, celery, radishes, jalapeno, parsley. Added some apple and it was better, but still very hard to drink.

    Had a great juice this morning.. pineapple, oranges, celery, cucumber. I could definitely start my day like that!

    Oh, lastly, I’m sensing that my sinuses seem to be clearing up significantly. I’ve always known that I live day to day with some congestion, but haven’t had the discipline to take the nasal spray intended to relieve it so I’ve just lived with it. Now that it’s clear, or nearly clear, I’m wondering how I lived like that.. It makes me wonder whether there was something in what I was eating that I am allergic to and don’t know it. The only way I can think to find out is to re-introduce foods slowly after my fast so that I can determine whether any of the foods cause symptoms.

    Also, I don’t know whether this is due to a lower energy level as I get used to the juice fast diet, but I sense that my mood is calming a bit. Things aren’t bothering me as quickly, and I’m being more focused and intentional – like my mind isn’t in constant hyperdrive mode. Like I said, it may be from a lower energy level, and it’s actually similar to what I experience when I have a cold, but it’s worth noting here. I don’t know whether I’d call my energy “lower”, per se, but definitely more relaxed.