An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Prayer

    Posted on October 29th, 2013 michael No comments

    Lord. Jesus Christ.

    Yes, Michael.

    Do you agree that Jesus Christ came in the flesh?

    Yes, Michael.

    I’m hungry for more of your vision for my new venture.

    Are you sure?

    I think so…

    You may not necessarily like what you see. Or it may feel unexpected. Are you going to temper my words and wisdom?

    No, as long as they coincide with your word (the Bible).

    Good. Sit back and face up and close your eyes.

    [It took a little while, and I asked what He wanted me to see and He said be patient]

    [I saw snow, lots of it. Surrounding the building, but not getting into the center park area. I saw some sort of celebration happening in the park area while the snow was covering the ground outside. I asked ‘Wyoming?’ and then dismissed the thought. I continued to see snow and a large amount of land surrounding the building without buildings or anything, at least behind it, and asked again ‘Wyoming?’ and felt I received His response ‘Yes’. I asked ‘Why??’ The response was ‘Because that’s where you’ll flourish.’ I didn’t hear why that would be the case. I suppose He wants me to trust Him, but I did feel like that’s where I’d find the people I need, people who aren’t enamored with the city / suburban life.]

    Lord, is it too much to ask for understanding about Wyoming? There’s no way I can move my family there based on an impression. Everything else you’ve shown me are things that can take time, and it’s a vision of what I’m striving for. But Wyoming is just such a radical change.

    I knew you’d squirm 🙂

    Yeah, I’m squirming!

    Well, you don’t have to move right now! That is the vision. You’ll understand more over time.

    Ok. What else would you like to show me?

    What would you like to see?

    Whatever you’d like to show me. I’m done putting my expectations on you.

    Good. How’s this…

    Shaping a new course for people to use when building their dream. Come to me. Receive the vision. Take one step at a time. Don’t get ahead of yourself, or you’ll end up spinning out of control or worse, busting your butt chasing what you think will make you happy, rather than what I know will.

    So true. So this venture will influence others?

    Yes, Michael. You will provide a blueprint for others to truly find purpose and inspiration in their work. It starts with me, but in ways many people think they understnad but few people do.

    Ok. I am blessed that you would speak through me to others in this venture.

    Oh, I’ll be doing much more than that. I’ll be blessing your employees directly through the company. Don’t take too much credit, which is none. You are my vessel. I’m not doing this through you; I’m doing this in spite of you, but through a willing vessel. I will bless those around you, but also because they are willing vessels and are able to receive my blessing because of the experience that this company provides. This company is not about money, Michael. You will have success in many ways, but a fat bankroll is not the objective here.

    What’s the objective?

    An experience. the experience of how a life’s work could feel to those who are willing to take the chance to do something different. This company will become a model for other companies. People will want to work for you so bad, that you’ll have your pick of thousands of applicants, yes wanting to move to Wyoming!


    Is that one of the reasons for Wyoming?

    It is, but that’s just scratching the surface. People will want to work here intensely. They’ll want to remove themselves from living other people’s dreams when they realize they can be part of a company of people but still living out their own dreams and the dreams I have for them. A “company” is not a controlling body, like it commonly exists around you. A “company” is simply a group of people, willing to work together, toward common goals. To foster people’s energy, engagement, and creativity, you need to align with their dreams.

    This is a lot to take in. It’s radical. I shared it with my wife last night, and it was pretty evident that she had major skepticism. I kept saying she probably thinks I’m crazy.

    Michael, people will think you’re crazy. Get over it. Anyone who does something world-changing is thought of as crazy by many people and for long periods of time.


    Your goal is to give this venture to me, right?


    To “test” this “crazy” idea you have that by truly turning over your business to me, that you will be blessed by it.


    Well, that’s exactly what will happen. You may trust that.

    Will the vision happen?

    That depends.

    On what?

    You mean on who.

    On who?

    You, of course.

    In what way?

    In all ways.


    Michael… you are my vessel. I am able to influence you as much as you allow me to. You’re able to shut me out. You’re able to simply become distracted – like with your website names, etc.

    I know…

    I will lead you. Don’t worry about how much you’re accomplishing. Let me orchestrate this for you. You don’t have to get out a product; you need me working in your life, and guiding you toward the right activity. You know that being busy is not the goal. Make sure that you have my guidance and your activity will be as effective as it possibly can be.

    I’m afraid I won’t be able to do what you ask.

    It’s not a question of ability, it’s only a question of willingness.

    I’m afraid I won’t be willing to do certain things that you ask.

    Then I will ask you to recruit someone who IS willing to do what I ask. I can work through you, despite your fears and personal baggage. This vision is so strong, and will appeal to the right people, that they’ll want to help you build it.


    Be strong in knowing I’m with you, Michael.

    Yes, Lord. I can do anything with you. You can do anything through me.

    Is there anything more you can share about the vision?

    Not now, Michael. Come back rested.