An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • The Search for Significance p.109-113

    Posted on May 20th, 2009 michael No comments

    p. 109
    1) I am a substance that is able to enhance the flavor, the experience, of life for others.  If I deny or somehow lose that property, I cannot fulfill the purpose of my new birth.
    2) Christ’s intent is for me to be seen, not hidden.  To be bold and plainly visible.
    3) As a beloved of God, He and Lord Jesus Christ bestow grace and peace.
    4) Death once reigned in me.  Now, abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in my life, lived for Jesus Christ.  By even one act, condemnation results.  Also through one act, I am justified.

    p. 110
    1) I am no longer condemned
    2) As His adopted child and heir, if I suffer with Him, I will be glorified with Him.
    3) No matter what, I overwhelmingly conquer through Jesus
    4) By the new birth, my mind, body and spirit are renewed.  Old desires and passions pass away.  New desires and passions come.

    p. 111
    1) Christ was made to take on my sin, to be punished as my sin, so that I can become the righteousness of God in Him
    2) I have nailed my old self to the cross.  Christ has risen in me in my old self’s place.
    3) My destiny was always adoption to God as His son, made possible through Jesus Christ
    4) In His grace, God provides forgiveness through Christ’s blood, which provides my redemption

    p. 112
    1) Jesus saved me while I was still dead in my transgressions.  Because of this, I am alive with Christ in me and worthy of being seated with Him in Heavenly places
    2) He molds me for good works, which God has prepared me for.
    3) God’s strength and might are available to me
    4) I am a completed creation, right where He wants me to be

    p. 113
    1) As God’s chosen, I am to choose compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
    2) I am on a path toward holiness because Christ is holy
    3) I am on a path toward perfect love

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