An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Perceiving God

    Posted on February 20th, 2009 michael No comments

    It seems reasonable to think that God / Christ / Holy Spirit can present Himself to a person via a direct interface with that person’s consciousness.  This means that a person would believe they are seeing or hearing something but others wouldn’t see / hear it.  We think that our senses define reality, but in fact our senses are simply mechanisms that allow us to perceive reality.  This, in no way, means logically that all of reality is able to be perceived by human senses.  It would be fundamentally flawed thinking to make that assumption.  Potentially, our focus on the five measureable senses could dull our sensitivity to other senses that could be present – similar to going through life choosing to keep your eyes shut or plugging your ears because you think sound is not "real" because you can’t see it.  Obviously we know sound is real because it is verifiable by other people.  Does a perception that is unverifiable mean it’s not real?  What if that perception is not available through a shared medium?

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