An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Be Still

    Posted on August 10th, 2010 michael No comments

    Dear Lord. I’m here. I just want to praise you. I know you are good and your plan is perfect. Thank you for loving me and being my spiritual Father, and raising me to spiritual maturity. I pray that you would speak to me – provide your direction and guidance.

    I receive your word, oh God.

    Michael, be still. Wait on me. You don’t have to be typing at all times. Especially as you begin to pray, there is time when I want you to quiet your mind. You must clear your distractions. That means environmental distractions, as well as mental distractions, if you wish to hear from me. You can pray to me at any time, but to hear from me requires stillness. Be still.

    Yes, Lord. May I ask something?

    Of course.

    Is there anything about how I am recording in this journal that you would change?

    No, Michael. You are recording as the thoughts come – that is ideal. It reduces the filtering effect that occurs when you try to recall prayer at a later time.

    To be honest Lord, I’m feeling that this prayer is a bit forced. Like I have an obligation to write now, because, like you said, I now have more accountability to this journal.

    That’s ok, Michael. I’ll accept any opportunity to have your heart receive my word.

    I guess I’m just feeling like I’m grasping.

    Then just be still and receive.

    You are incredibly special, Michael.

    I don’t feel special.

    You are. You are cherished.

    I don’t like writing words like this in this website…

    That’s ok. Readers of this post may also come to me for the same encouragement.

    So what’s the point of being called special, if anyone can receive the same encouragement?

    Do you not see that I may consider each of my children as special? Do you not consider each of your children as special? Each has their gifts, and each has their struggles. You love each in a very unique way. Does that make any one of them any less special than the other?

    Ok, I get it. I see your point. I accept your encouragement. Although it would be great to know what my purpose is.

    That is part of the journey, Michael. Each step is discovery. Each step is growth. Unfortunately, I don’t have your full attention right now, so growth is going to be difficult.

    I’m sorry Lord.

    Don’t be sorry, just be present.

    I’m just really tired, and want to make sure that I get a good night’s sleep.

    Then it’s probably a good idea to start our talks earlier.

    Yes, you’re right. I wanted to open up for a few minutes at the very least. I know you value consistency.

    Yes, consistency is important. Now let’s focus on presence.

    Lord, I cherish these talks. I feel so blessed. Thank you.

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