An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Checking in with the Lord

    Posted on November 3rd, 2010 michael No comments
    Lord Jesus, I just want to check in with you regarding my obedience to your call to re-read my entire journal. Is my approach and progress pleasing to you?
    Yes, Michael.
    Am I getting out of the task what you intend for me to.
    Is there anything else you want me to start doing while I finish up this task?
    No, Michael.
    Ok. Is there anything else you want to tell me now?
    Michael, thank you for checking in with me. It is critical that we are in alignment every step of the way, if you want to see progress as quickly toward my will as possible. I will act through you as long as you are submitted to me. Obeying my call is an act of submission. The more focused you are on that obedience – doing what I call or command you to do – the more your life and my work through you will be blessed.
    Thank you Lord. I will keep going on my current task, and continue to check in with you.

    Later, as I was reviewing my old entries…

    Dont rush through your tasks, and miss the blessings.

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