An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Evil Exposed

    Posted on October 16th, 2010 michael No comments
    Lord, I come to you tonight without any agenda, without any expectation other than hearing your voice because I feel you calling to me and so I want to respond. What would you have me hear; what would you have me learn?

    As the dusk settles, as the dew dries, so does my love for you wane.
    What??? What does that mean?
    You are not my son.
    What?? What did I do? Is this a test? Do you mean that I’m not your begotten son? I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I call on the name of Christ. Devils that may have influence over me be gone!
    Lord, Christ Jesus, I call upon you now. Reveal yourself to me. Break through the evil that may be trying to surround me.
    You are in control of more than you think. While you may not have control over many circumstances, as you’ve learned, your choices are able to be controlled. When you allow evil in, it will try to take root. It will infest. It will spread. It will take over eventually – only I can protect and clear away what your choices have resulted in.
    What was the deal with those thoughts above? Those were obviously not from you, right?
    Michael, you did not call upon me. I am with you now, but you were listening to fear and doubt, and that is not from me. There is danger and risk in what you are doing, you need to know that. That is why everything must be verified by my word.
    I understand. If it means a closer relationship with you, then I am willing to risk it, and choose to be diligent in my communion with you.
    Michael, you have made some choices lately that are inviting evil into your life.
    Are you speaking of my drinking while I was on vacation?
    That’s part of it. Just because you’re having some “down time” doesn’t mean that it’s ok to indulge in sin or activity that will invite evil in.
    Did I drink too much?
    When you become a seeker of drink, you are drinking too much. When you become a seeker of anything but me, you need to learn to check yourself – check in with me in prayer for my council. If you choose to recklessly follow your lusts (in this case drink), you will invite evil in to your life.
    When I become a seeker of anything but Him, I must check in with Him in prayer for His council. If I choose to recklessly follow my lusts, I will invite evil in to my life.
    Are there other choices I’ve made that have invited evil in?
    Your choice of rage invites evil.
    I know.. I’ve felt that I’ve been on edge lately and have been too tough on those around me. Lord, please forgive me.
    What do you tell your daughters? That asking for forgiveness means turning your back on the wrong behavior. You need to listen to your own teaching – there is truth there that you need to practice. You need to turn your back on your rage. Step away from the situation, regroup, connect with me, and respond in a more loving way.
    I must turn my back on rage. I must step away from the situation, regroup, connect with God, and respond in a loving way.
    I understand. So was the first two thoughts I ‘heard’ that I thought were from you, were actually from evil spirits, or something?
    Let’s just say the thoughts themselves were evil – they were certainly not of or from me. I do love you, and that will never change. How evident my love is to you may wax and wane, but only at your doing – as a function of how your choices allow evil influences into your life.
    I never thought of sin as an invitation for evil to enter.
    If you are not filled with my spirit, if you choose to push me away, evil will take whatever opportunity it can get. It only takes a seed to sprout into something that can strangle the life out of you and your family, even a whole country. That is why it is so important to stay diligent in seeking me through prayer and study of my Word, and for you to make consistently holy choices. I am here for council at any time – I don’t want evil to have ANY influence on you, and will defend you as you call upon me, and sometimes even when you don’t.
    So that’s the nature of free will? I can opt to destroy myself through sin, but you protect me in ways I cannot necessarily see?
    It is all related to my plan. My plan for your life, as it fits into my plan for redemption of humankind.
    When you said I did not call upon you, is that because I only addressed you as Lord, rather than calling out in your name – Jesus Christ?
    My name has immense power. It has the power to keep evil at bay and to drive it away. Call upon me specifically and you will not be led astray again.
    Lord Jesus, is there anything else you want to say to me tonight?
    Michael, my will is for you to know me. My will is for you to represent my love to others. Take this seriously and you will be blessed. What you are doing with your ministry is wonderful, but it’s not the end – it’s not everything. Go after it, get it done, build your ministry in my name, but remember that my will is more simple – it’s communion with you.I am preparing you for much more than you can possibly imagine right now. You will see more as you grow, but for now, simply trust in me, learn from me through prayer and my word, help others know me, and love those around you. All else you can leave in my hands. You are my son, and I love you immensely.
    Thank you, my Lord and Comforter.

    1 responses to “Evil Exposed” RSS icon

    • Michael, the most important step to take in change and healing is self awareness and surrendering to God’s will. As I read your journal I feel a peace and joy that you have been blessed with both. Remember to take one day at a time and be gentle with yourself. You are God’s precious child who loves you wholeheartedly and unconditionally, forever and always! I will be praying for you dear one with love!

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