An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • February 24, 2010

    Posted on February 24th, 2010 michael No comments

    I look forward to my prayer time now – what a blessing!

    I asked for peace today. He said:

    What is your question?

    I thought…

    Why am I here?

    Because I made you.

    Why did you make me?

    To be in relationship with me.

    Why do you want relationship with me?

    Because you are part of me.

    How old is the earth?

    It’s as old as it is.

    How old are you?

    I am as old as I am. It is not something you are able to understand.

    Can you show me?

    There is a place where there is no time. There is no before, no after. No from, no to. Things just are. That is my domain. You live in a subdomain to my domain. I can influence your domain very easily – with just a breath, so to speak.

    I wonder whether there are any symbols or markings in the original Bible text that may have been disregarded as… no that can’t be…

    I thought yesterday about how verses seem to be considered with equal weight. But when I communicate, the inflection of my voice allows the listener to measure the intensity of each statement. Like emails, the Bible lacks inflection. Preachers add their own inflection, but who knows if it’s accurate. I suppose God must speak to humanity in language and manner that does not depend on inflection – it’s just pure information, that can stand on its own.

    Thank you Lord for your wisdom and insights.

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