An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • February 26, 2010

    Posted on February 26th, 2010 michael No comments

    I asked the Lord to share with me if there is anything in my character, or anything about me, that is impeding my connection with Him. After a series of images in my mind, it was apparent that an issue is my preoccupation with sex / women’s bodies. I asked:

    Isn’t that just being a man?

    He went on to explain that He created the attraction, but not the urge. The urge has been perverted by the world to occur outside of the context of marriage. I became incredulous, doubting whether I was actually hearing from God. He reminded me to think of other civilizations and time periods – there are some where the ideas were not perverted, in general. Sure, there were individuals that had perverted concepts. But the general tone among people was pure, the way God intended. Gradually, within some civs, the perversion takes root, and then the pure ideas look like foreign concepts.

    He also mentioned that I can learn how to control my hormonal responses to stimuli.


    By controlling and nurturing a true perspective of the stimulus.

    So what is the correct perspective on a woman’s body?

    Beauty – form and function.

    So the true perspective of the woman’s body is perceiving it’s beauty in form and function?


    So why do I admire too much?

    Because of a perverted perspective. The world has convinced you, until now, that sex is a pleasure to be attained, regardless of its context within the joy of a true love. Therefore, you seek to attain it, which makes the woman’s body an object of desire, of lust. You won’t be able to say to yourself ‘I won’t lust any more’. You need to correct the root ideas and perspective.

    How do I do that?

    First, focus on the truth.

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