An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Getting Back in Touch

    Posted on January 10th, 2012 michael No comments

    Dear Lord. I am reaching for your hand. I am looking for your lead. I am ready for your step-by-step guidance.

    Michael, saying you are ready and being ready are two different things.

    Well, isn’t my intention a good thing?

    It could be. Intentions are not actions.

    Then.. Lord.. what is the next step for me? What decision do you want me to make right now? What action do you want me to take right now?

    What you’re doing is a good start. However, the positioning of your questions is wrong.

    I know.. What do you want to do through me right now?

    That’s it Michael

    Ok, then, what do you want to do through me right now?

    We’re not there yet Michael. We need to get back in touch.

    That’s disappointing.

    You won’t follow my lead let alone let me act through you if we’re not in close communion.

    I understand your point. I want to get back to that point.

    As do I.

    It just takes consistency right?

    No, Michael. It takes the focus of your heart.

    Right, ok.. right. So, for example, right now I’m praying and journaling because of my intention to do so, but that isn’t sufficient is it?

    It actually is Michael. It’s the first step. It’s an act of your will to re-connect with me. That demonstrates the condition of your heart. But don’t waver. Read your prior entries. Feel how tangible our relationship was, so that we don’t have to start from scratch again. What is important is your trust – your “blind faith” – in me.

    Well “blind” in that I trust you at face value, because I’ve learned to do so.. not “blind” in that I’m taking some “leap of faith” correct?

    Correct. You have learned to trust me. You have just forgotten. But it’s still there.

    Have we lost something by the silence?

    We’ve lost time. ‘Opportunity cost’ would be an appropriate way to describe it.

    Yeah, I get it. Am I on the right path now?

    You’re here aren’t you?

    Yes, I suppose

    Well aren’t you?

    YES!  I am Lord 🙂  And this is where I want to be in this moment.

    I need to make time for this again.

    It only takes a few minutes. It doesn’t need to keep you up late at night. 15 minutes per day is just as effective in many ways as 2 hours twice per week.

    I can see that.

    However, there may be times when the ‘flow’ of our communication deserves extra time, but you’ll know when that is, because you won’t want to stop.

    So just commit to 15 minutes.

    Commit sounds like a scary word. Shouldn’t it be in-the-moment choice?

    Of course it’s an in-the-moment choice, whether you make a commitment or not. The commitment is a statement of your intention. A commitment becomes a way to measure your integrity. And your integrity becomes a measure of how much I can trust you.

    I understand that. Lord, I love these “sessions” with you.

    As do I.

    Lord, did our financial charity please you?

    It did.

    Was it of the right heart?

    If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t have pleased me.

    I was struggling a bit with thoughts of your promise regarding tithes and offerings – thinking that our gift would be blessed in multiple.

    Michael, your charity was not a tithe, but it was an offering.

    Wait.. I didn’t expect that. I expected that you would say that the charity gift was insufficient to be considered a tithe, because it wasn’t 10%. I was actually feeling like it was lacking.

    Michael, your charity was from your heart, not obligation.

    True.. so what does that mean?

    That means it’s an offering.

    Hmm.. it’s that simple?


    So does that mean that you are disappointed that I am not giving 10% of my income out of obligation?

    Only disappointed in the sense that you are not experiencing the blessing that you could because of that choice.

    So my choice to have security rather than the blessing you refer to is just that – a choice?

    Yes, Michael. I do not love you any less for not tithing, nor does it affect your afterlife with me. However, your tithing is a way that you demonstrate your trust in my ‘commands’. It also demonstrates that I can trust you with more resources.

    I understand. Thank you for who you are – thank you Lord for loving me and being available to me in spite of my inadequacies.

    You are not inadequate, simply distracted. Satan has you ‘rubbernecking’ if you will.

    Yeah, I get it. Thank you again, and I love you and I will talk to you tomorrow.

    I love you too Michael.

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