An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Hearing From God

    Posted on August 30th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, I am here, ready to receive your word.

    You need to open up first.

    What do you mean?

    You need to initiate.

    Isn’t being ready with a willing heart considered initiation?

    No, Michael.


    As you know, saying you are ready and being ready are two different things.

    Ok, I understand that. So saying I’m ready to receive your word is not the same thing as opening my heart to receive your word and wisdom?

    That’s correct.

    Ok. So the act of being vulnerable is what actually opens the door then?

    That’s right.

    So, saying I am here to receive your word is like saying I’m ready without actually being ready.


    Haven’t you given me guidance and wisdom based upon my invitation before?

    I have, but it’s not the most effective way. When I want to say something, I will say it. When I want to be heard, I will be heard. But when the receiver is asking for my wisdom, being vulnerable with me is the best approach.

    Are you saying that you have been lenient with me in the past, but you want me to learn better how to approach you now, as I have grown?

    Yes, Michael. That’s observant.

    Lord, do you intend for me to teach others how to pray?

    Hold on Michael. You just clicked into something else on your computer when you are in the middle of prayer with me. You’ve set aside time for us, and you’re willingly inviting distraction?

    I’m sorry Lord. I switched back as soon as I realized it. It was no more than a second.

    Good, I have your attention. Michael, as you grow, more will be expected. You are mine. I want to act through you.

    Please do, Lord Jesus. Is there something you would have me write to my readers?

    Be true to your self. There is wisdom in these pages, but I have wisdom for you individually. Open yourself to me, and I will reveal what you, personally, need to know.

    Is there anything else you would have them read?

    This blog is nothing more than a means to an end. The end is communion with you. Reading this blog must result in action. To attain wisdom and not share or act upon it is a form of pride.

    Is there anything else? Is there any specific action you would have of readers?

    Not an action that can be addressed here. They must each address it with me directly. This is a very simple step in each reader’s journey. Be humble; be vulnerable with what is on your heart; release your mind’s perception or assessment of the issue or it’s solution; receive my word as it is (without your mind interfering and convoluting it); obey.

    Thank you Lord. Can you share more about what you mean about ‘”receiving my word as it is”?

    My word will not necessarily coincide with your expectations. Your mind will fight against my word with preconceived notions, plans, and pride. My word is true. There may be doubt as you receive my word, depending upon your relationship with me. You can test that doubt by taking small steps in faith, and as our communion grows stronger, you will be able to take leaps of faith, but they will be based upon a foundation of trust that you are able to discern my word, through prior experience.

    Thank you Lord. Let me back up a bit and start from the beginning of your progression. Can you share more about what you mean about being humble?

    Humility is required for initiating any relationship with me. Pride is the root of all evil, because it is a barrier to understanding my nature and my will. Sin is rooted in pride. To realize that you are sinful, and that I have provided a way to be forgiven of that sin, and to acknowledge me as your Lord and Savior is the specific path for entering relationship with me.

    So once a person has addressed their pride (repented of their sin and trusted you as their Lord and Savior), they are then able to enter into communion with you?


    Ok, the next step was to “be vulnerable with what is on your heart”. I think that was addressed in the beginning of this prayer. Is there anything else you want to share on that point?

    No, Michael.

    Ok, then the next step was to “release your mind’s perception or assessment of the issue or it’s solution”. Can you share more about what you mean with that?

    We’ve discussed this before, but for the sake of a complete post of instructions, this means understanding that your mind is interested in stimulation and control. I am interested in your obedience to my will, through communion with you as a spiritual being. Your mind must be recognized as an obstacle to receiving my word in a pure state. I want a child-like approach to my word, because your mind will convolute my message if given the chance, as it is subject to stimulus that is sent from the enemy himself. Once captured in its pure form, as you understand it, you may apply logic and reason to it, however there may be times when those tools will not serve you, and may become barriers to obedience and growth in communion with me.

    Is there more you want to share about “receive my word as it is”?

    It has to do with the last step, but it is more related to the response to my word, rather than the preparation for it. You must recognize when your mind is getting in the way of fully accepting and trusting my word. Once accepted, it will be understood more fully. There are some truths that the human mind cannot do anything but accept, but that is something that most people are not able to do.

    Is there anything you want to share about obedience?

    Only that obedience is your part of the relationship. I will provide wisdom, but you must use it. I will bless, but you must glorify me. Obedience requires trust – trust in the sense that your well-being depends upon it. I can give you abundant life, but you have to be willing to accept it. There are many who are not able to perform the most simple of actions, and so their communion with me does not grow. They may feel that they are growing – perhaps they achieve great knowledge of the Bible’s contents, or they give of their time to ministry – but they are not in true communion with me until they are able to seek communion with me and trust me to the point that they actually do what I ask. Many times people have doubt that they are hearing from me because what they hear is not what they expect. They will come to find out that their expectations are based on a false world, so their mind doesn’t have any context for knowing what to expect from me.

    That’s so true Lord. I can definitely relate that your word is unexpected most of the time – at least when it comes to what you ask of me, or how you shed light on my issues.

    Thank you Lord for your wisdom. Is there anything more you wish to share at this time?

    No, Michael.

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