An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • In the Moments

    Posted on September 30th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, I’m so easily distracted. I come up with all sorts of reasons why I can’t spend time with you. I have to do this, I have to do that, I can’t while anyone’s around, etc, etc. I am truly sorry Lord. I pray that you would help me to make time for you.

    Michael, I will not make you come to me; I will not make you seek my face or my wisdom or love. This must be a choice. Part of the blessing for you in it is because it is your choice and your choice alone.

    I just don’t understand how I can possibly find so many excuses, when I know how real our relationship is, and how real your love is.

    There are many forces at work, Michael. You’re being bombarded by this and that. I also don’t want you to be so hard on yourself. You are having communion with me at a level I wish many others were. I find joy in our relationship. However, it could be far more powerful and rewarding if more time were dedicated. But, again, this is your choice.

    Lord, is there anything that you want to call to my attention about my lifestyle choices? Is there any sin that you’d like to address with me?

    First of all, I want you to know that I am not here to put you down for your sins. You are sinful by nature, and you are growing toward holiness and wisdom, which is a wonderful thing – something you should feel great joy in. When you come to me to reveal your sin, what you are doing is a holy thing. But I do not reveal your sin to you in judgement; it is revealed to you so that you may take the necessary steps and work with me to clear the sin from your life.

    Now, do not misunderstand, there will be judgement – people are and will be judged according to their sin, if they have not accepted my forgiveness and stand in defiance toward me. But I am here to raise you to holiness, and that does not happen by scolding you for each of your sins. It happens through love. You have accepted my love and through my love you will be holy.

    In some ways, it is similar to what I expect of you with your children. You don’t scold them for every misbehavior, or they will grow to despise you. You look for prime opportunities to teach critical lessons at critical times, so that your children will learn and grow through your loving hand. Of course a loving hand does need to be firm at times, but only in the interest of your ultimate objective with that child – holiness and wisdom, in communion with me.

    Thank you Lord. I truly appreciate the wisdom shared here. It helps me to hear those words, even though I feel I already knew you were not hanging over my every action ready to ‘strike me down’ for my sin. I realize that my sin separates me from you. Does my communion with you create some sort of resistance against my sin doing too much harm to our relationship?

    There is a balance at work, so in a sense you’re right. There’s a point at which a person sins malevolently or indignantly – that is when communion with me becomes impossible until they repent of their sin and turn towards me.

    Currently, you are turned towards me, as your prayers and your journal both evidence. You know where you are headed (wisdom and holiness), but you also know that you will stray and that I am here to guide you back onto the true and straight path.

    So, yes, the strength of our communion does help protect you against your sin becoming malevolent or indignant, but sin can also get quite out of hand very quickly. It’s something that can take hold and create momentum in the blink of an eye to someone who is not mindful of it.

    Lord, it’s amazing to me – I feel like I say that a lot these days – how I can start with such a simple prayer, not even intending to or expecting to really hear back, in order to ‘keep it short’, and you are right there, ready for me to call and invite your word in my life. Thank you for speaking so clearly to me. I know that this is a blessing of the highest magnitude. I know that many others would give much to feel that they have a clear communication from you. I suppose what they don’t realize, and what I’ve been able to experience, is that you are there always ready to love, guide and support, but the person’s heart may not be conditioned to receive your word?

    In some cases that’s true Michael. In other cases, I simply speak to people in different ways. As your friend [BB] eluded to, I am speaking to you in the way that is most effective for you, and most conducive to my plan, in, around, and through your life. I speak to others in different ways, some visually, some through their relationships, some subtly, some forcefully. The method that works for you is recorded here in your journal. Others will find value in these writings, and part of that is because of who you are, and who you are creates a particular opportunity for me to express my love and wisdom, through you, into the world.

    You’re so amazing. I’m in awe.

    So, back to my original question, is there sin in my life that you want to reveal or call to my attention?

    You need to be careful. We talked about sin being a slippery slope. You’ve been creeping closer to the edge of sin in recent days, in a number of areas. Stay focused on me. Seek my face daily and I will be your strength and shield.

    Ok, Lord. I know of what you speak. I just know how weak I am against my ‘vices’. I also know that I’m inconsistent at best in coming to you in prayer, even though the prayer time is so amazing. What can I do about this?

    Pray in the moments, Michael. I want you to get used to coming to me throughout the day, in addition to our dedicated time together. This will give you the strength and focus that will help you avoid or resist the temptation and be more consistent in these more fruitful prayer times.

    You raised an interesting point – I can avoid or resist sin. I think that most of the time I think of sin as something that must be constantly resisted. But avoidance is probably easier than resistance and makes resistance unnecessary. Are there ways that you would like for me to avoid temptations?

    I want you to come to me in the moment. When you experience the need to resist temptation, come to me and ask me how you could have avoided that temptation. The best avoidance is a pure and holy heart. But we both know you’re not there yet, and are still affected by the will of the world.

    Ok, Lord. I will come to you in the moments of sin resistance, asking for your guidance in how to avoid. I’m pretty skeptical about the kind of answers I’m going to receive, but if I know one thing about you it’s that you love surprising me and demonstrating your majesty. I trust you Lord, and look forward to a more consistent communion with you.

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