An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Insights

    Posted on April 11th, 2011 michael No comments

    I wanted to make sure I captured insight I recently received from the Lord in prayer that I didn’t directly capture in this journal. The following is marked as God’s Voice for reference purposes, but is a paraphrase.

    There is nothing mystical about me. I am as practical as your butt.

    Now, this was obviously very attention grabbing, and maybe even repulsive to some who might read this. I wondered whether I was truly hearing from God. But when I thought about it, it seems to me that part of His purpose in this language was so that I would not forget it. The other part, however, must be because it’s truth.

    Even though my butt is not something I would normally relate to any aspect of God, God did create my butt, and it has a very specific purpose (muscle group for all leg activity, waste disposal, …). But I think the point that He was driving home with this truth is that He is not just some ‘concept’ or some nebulous notion of truth and power. He is a being, a practical, and real, being. The way He operates and His power is also practical. Relating it to something so mundane, or even what humans would instintively recoil from the notion of comparison of, helps drive His point home.

    I will… think of God as a real being.

    Also, I’ve come into an awareness that I think is also inspired, but can’t say that it was from what I would call ‘hearing from God’. That awareness is that God is not ‘all around us’ based upon the meaning that the human senses would attribute. Some readers may also recoil at this, but please stick with me at least for the sake of telling me how I’m wrong.

    Omnipresence means being present everywhere at the same time. Presence means being near and available; to me, this doesn’t require taking up physical space to accomplish. When I am speaking with someone on the telephone, I am present with them; I am aware of anything audible that makes its way into that person’s telephone microphone. The same is true for God except, even though He may not be ‘all around’ us (which implies physical presence), He is aware of everything about us, down to how many hairs on our head (which for me is a constantly declining number).

    Therefore God can have a specific location outside of the dimensions we perceive, and still be omnipresent within our reality.

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