An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • It’s His Will!

    Posted on August 10th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. I just wanted to come before you and thank you for all you have blessed me with. A beautiful family I adore, prosperity, love.. but mostly the opportunity to know you. I treasure the time we have together and am so blessed that I have a record of it in this journal. I doubt that many people have such a thing. I really want to serve you by leveraging web technology to bring your church into closer communion with you. There, I said it. That is what I want, it’s what I feel drawn to.

    But I have a question.. so I ‘came clean’ in a way just now by saying that leveraging the web for your kingdom was what I want. Does that make it a “work”? Does that make it ..

    Stop, Michael. One of these questions at a time.

    Ok.. If I invest my time into a ministry that is something that I want to do, does that make it a “work”?

    What do you mean by “work”?

    I suppose I mean, does that puff up my pride and cause me to look at the results of my effort as my merit?

    Michael, I don’t have to tell you something explicitly (in words) in order to communicate with you, or influence you. Why do you feel you want to do this?

    Honestly, I’m not really sure. I mean, naturally speaking, there are many things I’d rather be doing. Also, I know that I do not earn your grace and mercy. So I feel like it’s not a pride thing.

    You’re right Michael. It is not a pride thing. You can test that by what your work points to – does it point to me or does it point to you?

    In my mind it points to you.

    What do you mean “in your mind”?

    I mean that I know that my mind can play tricks on me. I may think something, but my words may conceal a different heart or intent. Can you tell me whether my intent is pure with this ministry (BoW)?

    It is Michael. You’ve had many tests along the way and have persevered. As I told you before, I placed in you a burning desire to make a difference, to make an impact in people’s lives. I know that your intent is not money, but you’ve also struggled with the temptation of focusing on the money. Your choice to go with a non-profit business structure is very telling. I know that you’d like to make your living in ministry, and you can, but your choice tells me that you’re not in this to get rich.

    Ok. So may I ask my other question?


    Hmm.. I forgot what it was… oh yeah.. does my admission that this ministry is what I want mean that this is of my will and not yours?

    Michael, as our communion grows, my will becomes your will. That is a sign of alignment, of intimacy. How can I not be blessed with a ministry that is focused on discipleship and fellowship, assuming that your heart is pure in doing so, which we’ve already addressed?

    I understand. So, even though I want something, doesn’t mean that it’s not also what you want? Your will influences my will?

    That’s the whole point, Michael. I want to flow freely through you. I want to influence you on a moment-by-moment basis. There may be times that you need confirmation of my will, but as our communion becomes more intimate, you will “feel” my will as part of your will. You will identify a desire and know that it is from me. The more freely you allow me to flow through you (the more you focus on our communion and trust my influence), the more I will be able to do through you. The point is to get your self out of the way – subject your will to mine.

    I understand. So BoW is your will?

    Yes, Michael. Be comforted and know that I am with you in this ministry. What you are doing by reaching out to Rick will be a confirmation – I want you to trust me in this. I know you feel some fear in “putting yourself out there” with him, but it will result in confirmation.

    Lord Jesus, I just want to make sure that I’m truly hearing from you, as I’m hearing you tell me about the future, which I have not been comfortable with in the past, and you had told me that you were not going to do.

    Micheal, this is but one step in your journey. My wisdom and blessing is timeless, why would I withhold that from you? It is simply a matter of readiness. This is a small matter, but you will receive confirmation, but it will take a lot of work.

    I’m fine with it taking a lot of work. Is it true that the work will feel effortless?

    The closer in tune you are with me, the more intimate our communion and the more freely I am flowing through you, the less burdensome my work will be through you.

    Will this require me to sacrifice my current job?

    It may at some point; we’ll leave that question alone for now. I will not ask you to put your family in harms way. I want to bless you, not deprive you. However, sometimes blessing is found in deprivation. But you already acknowledge that I am your source of prosperity, so that lesson doesn’t need to be taught. You do need to learn charity and tithing though.

    I know. I am putting money aside for BoW.

    Go ahead, say what you were going to say.

    Does that count?

    Good, you were honest. Let’s explore those three words. What do you think it would count for?

    I don’t know.. receiving the blessing associated with giving?

    The blessing is in sacrificial giving. When you sacrifice with a pure heart, you receive abundantly. It’s a law.

    So, what if I made a commitment to you, just like what Rick Warren did?

    What are you looking to receive by committing something to me?

    The reciprocation of that law.

    Ok, so what are you committing?

    I commit that I will only collect a maximum of 20% of the revenues generated by Beginning of Wisdom. At least 80% will always go back into the ministry or forming other ministries or contributing to other ministries.

    That is generous Michael. So if the ministry takes in $1 mil, and the ministry has expenses of $500k, you’ll collect up to $200k and invest the other $300k in new ministries or other ministries?

    That sounds right, but $200k is a lot of money. It seems like that would be greedy.

    Michael, prosperity is not greed. The only way it would turn into greed is if the money you collect gets in the way of my will. If I’m calling you to do something (even if it’s perceived as your own desire), and you decline because you want to collect your $200k, then that is greed.

    I understand.

    Remember this Michael. This will be important.

    Doesn’t 20% sound like a lot?

    It’s a cap Michael, it doesn’t mean that you’ll take it. In fact it’s even a good place to start, so that you can move out of your current job into a full-time focus on my will, and it is a starting point for greater tithing in the future.

    Ok.. I trust you.

    Don’t get hung up on the dollars. It could just as easily be $10k revenue and you take $2k for leading, driving, implementing, promoting, etc. I didn’t say it was going to be easy.

    I understand. Thank you Lord.  I need to get some rest now.

    Sleep well Michael.

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