An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • June 04, 2010

    Posted on June 4th, 2010 michael No comments

    Father, how can I be a better parent?

    Love your children. Loving is not hugging and kissing. Loving is being attentive to their needs. Not necessarily their wants, but their needs. It’s nurturing their spiritual growth.

    Father, why have I lost touch with you? How can I ensure consistent growth in my relationship with you?

    One at a time Michael. Not for my sake, but for yours.

    Ok, why have I lost touch with you?

    You’ve been distracted. With a new home and a new job, it’s understandable, but still disappointing that you haven’t made more time for us.

    Are we on any different terms today than we were 3 months ago?

    No different terms, but it will definitely take time again for you to attune yourself with my will.

    Has reading The Power of Now impeded my relationship with you at all? Has it helped?

    Not necessarily. It’s provided insight, but without proper context. It is important for you to recognize what truth is consistent with my word and apply that truth to your relationship with me. I will help if you call upon me.

    So, how can I ensure consistent growth in my relationship with you?

    Set aside time, Michael. Have a plan. We should have regular time together – and not as your head hits the pillow.

    What else would you have me know Lord?

    I love you. And I’m proud of you. Keep trusting in me and I will bring you into my will. Love me by seeking and following me. I will not lead you astray. My will is perfect. You will see that someday, but for now, you must simply trust in me.

    Is there anything you call me to do, Lord?

    Love others.

    And that will lead to peace and prosperity?

    Yes, Michael.

    What’s after prosperity?

    Unity. Too many people try to shortcut to prosperity. I won’t let you do it. Shortcutting love and peace leads to ruin.

    What exactly does love entail?

    It’s a verb – something you do, rather than something you are in. Loving others means caring for, nurturing, fostering, their own love, peace and prosperity. In order for man to come to this point, significant spiritual growth is required. That growth doesn’t necessarily take a long time – for some it does, for others it does not. What it requires is acceptance.

    Of what?

    Acceptance that their way is not the right way. Acceptance that they must trust in me. For some, this means that they must even accept that I exist at all. They have become so enamored with their own self-worth (pride), that they reject the One who can give them love, peace and prosperity.

    Why is love required for peace?

    Because you cannot be at peace by only loving yourself – so you must love me and your fellow man.

    Why is peace required for prosperity?

    Because when you are at peace, only then will you see clearly enough to recognize true prosperity – the prosperity you already have, now and in your future.

    True prosperity?

    You already know that my concept of prosperity is far different than yours. My concept is far more satisfying, but you won’t recognize that until you’re in peace. Man’s preoccupation with financial prosperity, subverting love and peace, is the cause of much pain and sorrow in your world.

    I love you Lord. Thank you so much for your insight.

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