An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Line of Communication

    Posted on July 28th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, I’m here. I long to hear your voice. Please speak to me. I praise you, Lord. I praise you for your holiness, your perfect nature. I praise you for your unlimited power. I praise you for loving me. I pray that you would speak to me Lord. Please be here with me, right now. What can I do for you Lord?

    You can start by turning off your distractions.


    You know that I speak softly from within. The reason for that is that you need to be intent on listening. You have developed the ability to be receptive to me, which is a huge deal. Not many people can or are willing to do that.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that I’m just being ‘creative’ with my thoughts. Could i really be conversing with the Creator of the universe?

    Why is that so hard to believe? You know I am omnipotent and omniscient. You also know that I love you. You also know that I want to express my love to others through you. Of couse I would want to speak to you. I want to make you holy, Michael. I want you to be my mouthpiece.

    I am willing, Lord. Please show me the way.

    You are doing it. You are utterly disregarding your pride, which I love. You are putting yourself out there, potentially for ridicule, for my namesake.

    Is this website what you intended when you said that I ‘have the skills right now to do what [you] intend’?

    Partly. This is a wonderful medium for you and for me. There is, however, something more.

    Does that ‘something more’ have anything to do with websites? I just have this drive toward website development. I have a feeling that you put that drive there, since it’s being used for your glory and I feel such passion for it.

    Yes, I put it there. But, remember that you are on a path, Michael. This is but one step on that path. You are learning how to truly open yourself to receive my word. I must be able to influence you more easily, if I am going to truly use you for my glory. You must truly be subjugated to me.

    I know that I say that I am your subject, but I also know that I don’t allow you to really take control. I want to, though. I trust you and love you. I know that your plan is good. I want more than anything to be close with you, Lord. I want to carry out your plans. … That almost sounded dangerous… Like I’m potentially opening myself up to something that I shouldn’t.

    Then you don’t trust me.

    Please forgive me when I say that I feel like this all sounds so crazy…

    I know. You are basing that on how others, who do not have a close spiritual connection with me, might think of things you are saying in these writings. That’s ok. By you doing this anyway, that shows great trust.

    Lord, you have proven yourself to me so many times. I’m sorry that I could ever doubt you. Please forgive me.

    It’s already done.

    I’d like to ask something… is there any truth to the idea that you could be likened to that of what I’d think of as a software programmer? It’s an idea that’s foated around in my head for a while, especially when I learn things about the nature and mysteries of the universe and the nature and mysteries of even the smallest things. For example, when Chuck Missler talks about how ‘reality’, when viewed from a quantum physics perspective, seems to be something like a simulation. And, how, at an atomic level, physical matter is far more comprised of empty space than anything solid. Is this a simulation?

    These are questions that I will not answer for you. It’s best not to focus on such things.

    Oh… I suppose it’s just my nature to want to understand, truly understand the nature of the difference between my physical body and my spirit.

    Your spiritual body is eternal. Your physical body is temporal. You need to leave it at that. Trust me.

    Ok. I trust you. I wonder, why you would not want me to delve into such thoughts or seek such answers.

    They are not for you to consider. Besides, that is head knowledge. I would much rather you focus on the connection that we share, and sharing with others how to attain that same type of connection. It’s something that is sorely lacking from the church.

    Why is that? It seems to me that most people pray to you, rather than attempt a two-way dialog. I did the same thing for a long time.

    Part of it is the fear of being looked at as ‘crazy’ for expressing to other people that they think they are hearing from God. Another reason is that the deciever is getting in the way – convincing people that it is either not possible or not their place to receive direct communciation from Me. One of my goals in speaking with you is to show others, and there will be readers, that that two-way dialog is real, and possible for them personally.

    Thank you for the opportunity to be your conduit for that message. You say there will be others / readers. Is there anything you want me to do to ‘market’ the site so that it attracts readers?

    No. I have given you the perfect name for this website. If someone is seeking wisdom through me, they will find this site, perhaps with some of my help, and they will be intrigued by what they read.

    Do you want to share when I can expect that to happen?

    No. I want you to trust me, and trust my timing. I want you to journal our time together for the right reasons – NOT for a popular website where your business mind can start thinking about how you can make money with it.

    Is there a way to …

    Michael. Don’t worry about it. I will bless you. Trust me, love me, glorify me, honor me and your blessings will overflow.

    Thank you Lord.

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