An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Peace

    Posted on August 15th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, I have to say, I have felt such peace today.

    Now writing in retrospect (one day later), I just want to thank you Lord for what you are doing in my life. I am feeling a sense of personal confidence that has been lacking for a long time. I have been able to be professionally confident, but I’m feeling personally comfortable with myself and with how I’m perceived by others, and it feels great. Thank you.

    Is there anything that you want to reveal to me at this time, Lord Jesus?

    I’m here Lord. Please speak to me.

    Wait. Focus. Be still.

    You are my son, in whom I am well pleased.

    Lord, it’s hard for me to believe that is your voice, and not creative thinking on my part. I am hardly one that is worthy of … I mean, ok, I know that I am your son – that doesn’t contradict the fact that Jesus is your only begotten son, so I don’t have to worry about my mind in that regard. But the well pleased part… this is something that I have struggled with these last couple of days. There are so many other people who are much more well versed in your word, and much more experienced in their walk than I am. I just am having trouble reconciling that you are using me in this way – speaking to me and through me – when there seem to be so many other more .. deserving (?) people you could be speaking to and through.

    Would you rather me pick someone else?

    No, Lord. That is not my point.

    I know Michael, but you need to understand that my will is not necessarily something that you will understand the reason for. There are many reasons that may or may not make humanly-rational sense for why I do what I do. The bottom line is that you have invited me to act in, around and through you – and I have accepted the invitation. It is my intent to make full use of that offer.

    So, what about the feeling I have that I’m undeserving – I am a sinful man. I have a sinful nature, and I realize it each and every day. I catch myself in potential or slipping into sin, and I just disgust myself. How could you love me; how could you really be here with me?

    The fact that you sin or have a sinful nature does not change the intent of your heart, Michael. The fact that you are in disgust of the sin, and not casually accepting it as ‘just being human’ is a huge step. It represents spiritual maturity. I can choose to work through anyone, Michael. They are all sinners, and some accept my gift of grace and mercy and some do not. It doesn’t thwart my plan. I am able to use anyone at any time for my purposes. Whether they accept the fact that I am their Lord and God is the matter I leave to each.

    Thank you for setting my sights straight, Lord. You truly are glorious and magnificent. I owe you all. I give you all. Please use my life as a conduit for your love. Please use these words on this blog as a message to the lost. I pray that these words would provide people with the understanding that you are available to them on a personal basis, and also help them understand how that can be made into reality.

    You’re doing fine, Michael. Keep down the path you are currently on. This is where I want you right now. You’re learning new skills and beginning to re-set your perceptions of reality in ways that are very healthy. It will be scary – and I am here to provide you with strength and wisdom. I will not tell you what to do, but will help you understand how to be holy throughout the experience.

    Thank you Lord. I praise you and love you. Thank you for loving me. I pray that you would motivate persistence in me to continue the path I am on.

    It’s done, Michael. Stay with me. Do not try to run ahead. I have many things to show you along the way.

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