An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Ready for More What?

    Posted on July 31st, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, thank you for your insight. I realize that I can offer nothing to this relationship but my acceptance of your will and love. I pray that you would use my life to express your love to others. I pray that you would use me; I pray that you would make me holy. I understand that does not mean that my life will be easy. I realize that being holy is something that means that I will do things that are against my natural sinful nature. Like pouring out the beer tonight. I chose to pour out one bottle. While I poured it out, I said to myself ‘I choose life in Christ’, trying to see that liquid as garbage / waste. I plan to do one bottle per night until they are gone – probably a week or so. I’m hoping that will be an effective end to my habitual drinking pattern. It’s a conscious choice to dispose instead of ingest. I pray that pleases you, Lord.

    It does, Michael. It’s a small thing, and you are capable of so much. It’s saddening to see you tripped up by something so insignificant. But it’s also so common. You have more power in you than you could possibly imagine.

    What do you mean?

    I will show you in time.

    Can we speed up the process?

    We can go as fast as you are ready for. And readiness does not depend on you telling me you’re ready.

    That reminds me, when you said that I am ready for more, did you mean professionally in my job, or spiritually in your kingdom – I’m hoping for the latter. I really am not striving for more material prosperity. As you know, I am interested in providing for a comfortable, safe and nurturing environment for my family, but not looking to get rich. I’m getting sidetracked. What kind of ‘more’ were you referring to?

    More of Me. You are ready for more of Me, Michael. More of Me means more power and more responsibility. I will show you how to unlock power within you toward my purposes. You needn’t fear anything, unless you begin to take pride in your involvement in my work. You must remember and respect the fact that it is me working through you. This cannot be stressed enough. Kingdoms have fallen because people did not heed this warning.

    I understand, Lord. I will be expectant and trust in you. Will you tell me what to be expectant for or when?

    Let’s just say that it’s not something you would expect. That’s part of your adventure, Michael. You know that you have a passion for watching my plan unfold in your life. I’ve seen you recognize it before, and it gives you joy. This will be like that. You will recognize it instantly, and will be overwhelmed with joy.

    Is there anything that I can or should do in the meantime?

    I want you doing what you’re doing Michael. I want to be in constant dialog with you, shifting our focus and addressing what needs to be addressed in your life, to clear the way for what’s coming.

    Yes, Lord. Is there anything you want to address now with me?

    I would like for you to rest now. I am proud of you tonight Michael. You have a small victory and the beginning of momentum toward winning an important battle in your life. I’m here to call upon if you feel any weakness of will.

    Thank you Lord.

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