An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Resetting Perceptions

    Posted on August 5th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, I’m really struggling again. My primary project at work is not going well. I’m getting that feeling again about wanting to escape. But I know this isn’t new. I know that I’ve felt for a long time that my primary expected responsibilities are not my strengths or my passions. I’m going through the motions, getting slammed with more and more work and my work quality seems to be suffering. Do you have any wisdom for me?

    Don’t take it personal, Michael. You are one part of a whole and cannot accept responsibility for the project’s success or failure. There will surely be lessons you learn from this experience, and you will come out of it ‘all right’.

    So I should not worry about it?

    You should never worry about anything. Worry is a form of self-sabotage. Worry is stress. Worry does not help anything. Do what’s in your power to do, maintain integrity, and continue to lean on me for strength.

    Thank you, Lord.

    Lord, I’m listening to The 4 Hour Workweek. I’m wondering if you can tell me whether this is a valuable use of my time.

    The benefit of that book for you right now is that it can teach you to reset your perception or reliance on certain aspects of what you consider to be reality.

    Is it part of your path for me?

    Resetting your perceptions is, yes. That book, then, is a tool toward that end.

    Is it possible for me to do what the book is suggesting?

    Your question is too vague.

    Can I effectively lower the time required for income generation to under 10 hours per week, while maintaining or raising my current living condition.

    It is possible.

    Will you show me how?

    I already am.

    With the book?


    Will you tell me what step to take?

    Michael, if you’re asking whether I’ll make it easy for you, the answer is no. You should read the book, do all of the exercises as if your life depended on it, or as if your daughter’s life depended on it, and see where it takes you. I will be here along the way.

    Now, go back to work and do what you can do.

    Ok, Lord. Thank you.

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