An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Still on First Base

    Posted on September 14th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, I recognize that I need to focus on being vulnerable with you. May I first ask whether you agree that my heart is sufficiently conditioned through the first stage of Humility?

    It would be nice to say yes, but you’re not even quite there yet.

    Man… really? I’m still on first base?

    Yes Michael. You are recognizing your greatest obstacle however. You’re just beginning to recognize and choose to live by the fact that you cannot control your environment, including other people.

    I have noticed that, but what does that have to do with humility?

    The key word is control. It takes a humble heart to behave instinctively with patience – knowing that you cannot control, and you no longer behave in a way that attempts to control those around you. Driving is one example; disciplining your children is another example. Those are two you have recently recognized. There are many more, but they will become easier to recognize once you have these first two under your belt.

    How do I get past these two?

    Keep relying on me. Know that only I am in control. You are not even in control of you, most of the time. There is so much going on within you (your body, your mind, your emotions, etc) that you have absolutely no control over. That is by design. You’re not intended to control it. This is a process for you of learning to let go of your will to control.

    But how??

    Keep recognizing your mistakes, keep repenting of the behavior, remind yourself that I am in control, remind yourself that you cannot control this person or that person. Over time, the conditioning will take hold.

    May I ask for your help Lord?

    I thought you’d never ask. Michael, I’m always with you. I’m here every step, whether you recognize it or not. I’m a simple prayer away, as you know.

    I do know Lord. I know that you have helped me through temptation already many times. I recognize the threat and call in my Savior; you have handled the rest. Thank you for loving me and being my rock – I don’t deserve it.

    The emotion you’re expressing through tears right now is the fruit of a tender heart. Your heart began quite hardened.

    I know. I’m so sorry I strayed for so long. What a fool I was.

    Michael. You had absolutely no idea of the truth. You were presented with the Christian ‘religion’ without any truth of how to be, or even why to be, intimate with Me.

    Thank you Lord for finding me. I was so lost.

    I’ve had my sights on you your whole life Michael.

    Thank you Lord. Lord, is there anything about my character or behavior that you’d like to address with me?

    I am very pleased with your choices on removing your addictions. Alcohol, lust, caffeine, games, sports, movies – you’ve already removed some serious contenders with your attention to me. Thank you. This is, however, just the beginning. It won’t be easy, but I am in the process of making you holy, for my name’s sake. The only way you could escape the path I have for you is to reject Me – to allow your pride to swell again to the point where you say that I don’t matter right now. Your pride is Satan’s hook – he will attempt anything and everything to swell your pride or create fear and doubt. Keep consistent prayer with me and you will be stronger through it.

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