An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • The Power to Heal

    Posted on August 1st, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. I’m here. I’m here to be with you, to listen, to learn. I feel that the first thing I should do is recognize how I have been astray so that I can get that sin behind me.

    Lord, I repent of my drinking. I know it’s been out of control again. I pray that you are pleased when I choose to obey your word.

    Michael, I am more than pleased – I am blessed by your obedience. I am blessed in that your obedience brings you closer to or into communion with me.

    Lord, it gives me great joy that I can have that impact on you.

    You do not seem joyful – you seem mournful. Michael, I know why you are mournful, and I want you to know that you don’t have to be.

    Why? It’s deeply saddening to me that my instinct is no longer communion with You, Lord. My instinct is back on distractions. I’ve fallen out of interest in my freelancing pursuits, which I thought were from you. I’m just frustrated.

    Michael, your pursuits are not what interest me, and can be a distraction in and of themselves. Your interests were from me, as we have had intimate communion in order for you to receive those interests from me, but those interests are not necessarily used in the way that I would call the “end goal” of those interests.

    What does that mean?

    It means that I am always preparing you. I am blessing you, through your obedience, into greater knowledge and power in order so that I may do my work through you.

    I thought that you could simply inspire me with your infinite wisdom?

    I could, but you wouldn’t trust it without the context of practical knowledge. You would dismiss it as a fleeting thought rather than the inspiration it represents. Or, you would not know how to implement the inspiration.

    But that is not why we are here. there is much more to talk about.

    Like what, Lord?

    You tell me Michael. Open up so that you may receive. Give so that you may receive.

    Well, I suppose that it was interesting to hear from my brother that my father is struggling right now with the state of my relationship with him. It sounds like he has a number of things that have him down.

    Go on. Open up.

    I feel that I’ve done my part. I’ve communicated that I’m available to work on reconciliation, but that I’m not interested in being spoken to in the manner that he was, so my term was that he contact me when he’s ready to talk with the support of a counselor or a therapist.

    And do you think that’s the right way?

    I suppose I do, but I’m starting to get the sense that it’s not.

    You don’t need a mediator, Michael. You need me. I can heal this relationship, but only through a person who is willing to be my vessel. The counselors that your father would choose from would only be using their intellectual power – what they’ve learned. they would not be seeking my power or guidance in the matter.

    Ok, well, wasn’t I your vessel when all of this was going down with my dad in the first place?

    Yes, you were.

    And the relationship was not healed.

    You did not call upon my power. The power was there, ready for you to tap into it, but it sat idle – you didn’t “flip the switch”.

    I don’t get it.. I was your vessel but I didn’t flip the switch?

    You were sensitive to my guidance; you called on me for wisdom; but you did not call on the power to heal the relationship.

    Ok, so what does this mean? How would I have called on you to heal the relationship?

    “In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare this relationship healed.”

    That’s it?

    That’s it.



    What if one of us doesn’t believe it?

    Your faith will make you whole.

    You don’t have to work through the squabbles. You don’t have to tie off every loose end. You don’t need a person to blame for every wrong. All you need is my healing power. And all I need is you to call upon that power.

    Won’t there be doubt afterwards?

    Yes, but it’s how you deal with that doubt, which is from Satan, that will determine whether healing truly manifests. You must continue to affirm that the relationship is healed and you will see it manifest.


    That’s just the beginning. You’re thinking of this as the restoration of what you think is normal, which is actually pretty dysfunctional. My idea of a healed relationship is much more powerful than your “normal”.

    What do you mean by that?

    You’ll see. I’m going to let you be blessed by experiencing it without expectations.

    This is amazing. I do have faith in your wisdom and your power. If you say this is possible, then I trust that. It’s just awkward approaching him about this.

    That’s a step in faith Michael. What do you really have to lose anyway. Your father has had direct experiences with me also. He’ll understand that I do not work in ways that people would expect. He understands that through me anything is possible.

    Do I say anything to prepare him?

    You can tell Him that what you’re doing, you are doing in faith and that in order for it to work, that he must affirm its truth initially and continually and trust in my power to do its work.

    Ok. Lord, please give me the courage to approach him to heal our relationship. I was going to say “reconcile”, but that’s not really what this is. It would be a flat out miracle.

    That’s the best kind of healing, and it’s in your power to command.

    Thank you Lord.

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