An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • True Sight

    Posted on January 4th, 2011 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus. I don’t know what to say.

    Just be still, and know that I am the Lord.

    Don’t try to convince yourself, just know it. There are no words that go along with this knowledge, only action, behavior.

    Be alert, Michael.  Don’t drift your attention.

    How long do I “be still”?

    As long as it takes. You will know.

    My behavior shows how well I know, love and trust you. If you were to appear to me physically, it would be my behavior, not my words, that would reveal my heart to you.

    Yes, Michael.

    Words can can be used for deception, but behavior speaks from the heart.

    Michael, behavior too can be used for deception, but the observer can use my ability to ascertain true intent.

    So this is an ability available to your children? To be able to ascertain true intent, in order to avoid deception?

    Yes, Michael.

    Can inaction also be mis-interpreted without this ability?

    Yes, Michael.

    Am I worthy of this ability?

    Michael, it’s not a matter of worthiness, but readiness.

    Am I ready for this ability?

    You already have it. When you want to use it, be still, know that I am the Lord, and receive true sight. Michael, I want you to see things as they really are. You can cut through the distraction with this simple ability. You can cut through attempted manipulation with this simple ability.

    Why do you keep calling it a simple ability? It seems more like a super-power (or supernatural power) to me.

    Because it is simple. It only requires acceptance and trust. You trust your eyes, right? Maybe too much. You trust your ears? Again, maybe too much. On and on it goes, but you have yet to trust your Christian abilities.

    What does that mean?

    The abilities available to you as my disciple. Many would try to become my disciple for these abilities, but few receive these abilities through true faith.

    And I’m one of the few?

    Yes, Michael. These abilities are available to you now.

    This sounds like the makings / trappings of a cult.

    Michael, again you just got sidetracked by the minutiae of the exact meaning of a word. Keep our communion flowing. Don’t give the enemy a way in – a way between us.

    I understand.

    Michael, read the book of Acts and come to me with any questions you have.


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