An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Under Attack

    Posted on September 10th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord, I’m feeling overwhelmed. There’s always so many tasks, so much to do.

    Michael, you’re under attack.

    Attack? By Satan?

    Satan’s attention is more on you now than ever before. Satan’s attention is limited, but you’re becoming recognized as a threat. He doesn’t want you to continue on this path.

    I suppose that’s a good thing.

    It is a great thing. That means that you are being recognized as someone who can hurt his plan. You’re being recognized as someone who can cause harm. He wants to distract you from your purpose in any way he can. His old tricks aren’t working as well as they once did. You are becoming wise, through me. He is going to try new things. Right now, it’s inundation.

    How do I defend myself?

    Simplify. You need to look for ways to simplify your life. You’re taking on too much work, first of all. The distraction toward financial reward is preventing you from spending more time with me. The stress that all the minutiae creates will seem to be overwhelming unless you do something about it now. If it becomes overwhelming, his tactic may succeed in distracting you from communion with me.

    I’m glad I’m coming to you with this.

    This is exactly the kind of dialog that we will need on an ongoing and consistent basis – you coming to me with real problems or issues or feelings and me providing you with practical guidance.

    So how do I simplify my life?

    Somehow you got the impression that you have to keep your mind busy all the time. You are a perpetual learner. While that is a good thing, in general, it’s only valuable if it’s directed.

    How would you like me to direct my focus?

    Toward me, and toward your project.

    Do you want me to scale back on the freelancing projects I’m involved with?

    Not necessarily. You’re going a good direction with them. You have a keen eye for quality and you can represent your clients best interests well with their web projects. You need others around you that can handle the specialized work, which is what you’re doing, and that’s a good thing. Don’t focus on the money, focus on serving your clients and the learning experience of it.

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