An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Voice Entry

    Posted on August 31st, 2010 michael No comments

    [This is a transcription of an audio recorded entry]

    This voice entry is an experiment, if you will, in allowing Christ to speak through me, through my voice as opposed to through my pen. I’m going to approach this prayer the same way that I would approach opening myself up with a journal entry on the computer and see whether it’s something that God wants to use to speak through me or to me. So, here we go…

    Lord I just, I come to you now in awe of your majesty and glory. I am so humbled by your grace and your mercy, that you would bring me to a relationship with you. I pray that you would use me, that you would bless me, that you would bless others through me. I surrender myself, I surrender my mind, and I pray that you would speak through my heart to this world. If you have something to say to me, I pray that you would say it, and that this would be a new tool for you to express your will to me.

    I’m just going to try to let it flow and see what happens…

    Michael, how.. can I begin.. to express.. the joy.. I have.. in.. the.. blossoming.. of our relationship. I.. am so pleased.. with your.. willingness to try new things, to open yourself to new possibilities.. and trusting that I will lead you.. in.. a true path.

    Lord if this is you, I pray that you would please address a specific question. Please, Lord. I want to know whether it’s possible for a child to have a close communion or relationship with you without first having to or needing to have an understanding of the principles that you teach through your word in the Bible. If I were to move forward with the “muse” that we’ve been talking about, I would be selling learning materials to parents who would then be working with their children, in the interest of bringing them to you, handing them over to you.

    I guess my thought is that, or my fear is: is it dangerous? Is it a dangerous idea to introduce the concept of a child praying to you and it not being a true prayer or heartfelt, and being susceptible to other forces. Namely, is it possible that material that I produce could lead children astray rather than lead them to you? So, I open that to you Lord.

    Michael, yes it is possible, however that is why I am going to guide you every step of the way. Your materials will be my materials. This is not of your doing, this is of my doing. This is something that will have great power in the world, and will teach many, children and adults, how to address me and how to hear from me.

    With regard for whether it’s necessary for a person to have access to a Bible or intimately know the Bible, the answer is no. The precepts that you teach through your materials will be Biblical, but they will be focused on a specific purpose and they will expand upon Biblical precepts in a way that will be more accessible to many. There will be material that will point the learner to the Bible for confirmation of the material.

    The enemy will get in the way. The enemy will try to get in the way. He will try to distract you from your purpose; he will try to distract you from me. He will make you focus on your pride, your fears, and everything that could be wrong with the path that I am taking you down. So Michael, it is vital that you stay in close communion with Me through the development of this material. You will need to use other people in its development, but you will have a very close hand in its design and development, so that I can speak through you, through your material to the reader.

    Thank you Lord. I understand and I am humbled. I recognize that I can be easily distracted by the enemy. I recognize that there are many elements in my environment that can easily take my mind off of your will, take my focus off of your purpose, and create doubt in my mind about what you intend for me to do. I apologize, Lord. I am so sorry for allowing myself to become distracted. For allowing my pride to swell. I submit to you. I know I am not perfect, and I feel that I cannot be perfect. You can be perfect through me as long as I submit to you. Help me to understand how to do that more fully.

    Lord, I ask whether this “muse”, learning materials, will be something that will allow me to free my mind from the 9 to 5 mentality. I wonder, is this something that’s going to create freedom, where I won’t need to work a job that is not focused on you, so that I can focus my energy on your purpose.

    Michael.. you are focusing your energies on my purpose now.

    Lord, I understand that, and realize what you’re saying. I want to be able to disengage myself from the distractions of the secular work environment. Preferably, I want to, my desire is to free or release my mind from the stresses and the obligations of my secular job, so that I can pour myself into my ministry for you. I feel that in order to do that I feel like financial freedom is a prerequisite for that.

    Michael, it’s not a prerequisite, but it is something that will make the transition easier. I am not interested in making your life easier. There is value for you, and our relationship, for you to be challenged; for you to choose me consistently, which you have done. I will reward that. Whether that reward becomes financial freedom or not is something that you will need to trust me with.

    I understand Lord. I trust you.

    Michael, you need to let go. You need to release your focus on the distractions of the world, and open yourself to the influence that I can make on you through your heart.

    Lord I ask, is this a good method? Is this voice recording, and praying to you, and speaking on your behalf, through my voice, to myself – is this effective? Am I fooling myself with this? Am I kidding myself? Is this real?

    Michael, listen back to the tape and the recording with be your evidence. The question is, does it point to Me, or does it point to you? Is it consistent with My word, the Bible, or does it go astray. Your mind doesn’t want to release control. That’s exactly what I’m asking you to do. Your mind becomes very jealous of my influence in your life. It wants to own the successes. By you releasing yourself and committing yourself to me, you are surrendering and putting yourself at my mercy, and at my will. And that is exactly what you need to do.

    So listen back, with a discerning ear, with all that you know about what I’ve said through my word, and you tell me whether this is effective.

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