An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Vulnerability

    Posted on August 29th, 2011 michael No comments

    Heavenly Father, I’m coming to you as a father to a Father. How can I do a better job as a parent?

    You can start by being honest.

    What do you mean? Is there something I haven’t been or aren’t being honest about?

    Yes and no. You are honest to the extent that you are not vulnerable. But it’s vulnerability that is what true relationships are built upon. You can teach your daughters all the ‘stuff’ in the world, but what good is it if they don’t have a true and deep relationship with their father?

    You’re right… of course. I’m so busy trying to teach that I don’t understand that they learn from my actions more than from my words. Is there something you want me to be vulnerable with?

    Yes, Michael.

    What is it Lord?

    I want you to be vulnerable with them about your shortcomings.. the things you are not the best at. Show them that it’s ok to have challenges and struggles in some areas. Become more real to your daughters and you will be blessed through it. Get your pride out of the way and understand that other people don’t really care about how great you are or how much you know about every single little thing.

    Yes, Lord. Thank you for your wisdom Lord. Please excuse my short prayer time. I am very tired.

    Sleep well Michael.

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