An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Why is Obedience So Hard?

    Posted on October 25th, 2010 michael No comments

    Lord Jesus, why is obedience so hard? You spelled things out so simply to me yesterday. I have three things that you want me to spend my ministry time on. Yet, whenever I have a moment to spend on the ministry, I veer to other things. Why do I do that? Please help me.

    Michael, first of all, don’t consider it “ministry time”. It’s “devotional time”, time devoted to me and my purposes. You are having devotional time right now.

    I always considered devotional time as being something that you do through some sort of guided experience. Like if I were to buy a “devotional book”, it would lay out a plan for me to follow.

    There are devotional guides, but there is no such thing as a devotional book.

    What do you mean by that?

    A book can guide you to activities that you do in devotion to me, but the mere reading or even following through of exercises in a book does not constitute devotional time. Devotional time is time set apart for me, for my purposes, to hear my voice, seek my face and do my will. A book can guide you in that, but the condition of your heart will determine whether it’s truly devotional time.

    But let’s get back to you. If you are not doing one of the above activities (to hear my voice, seek my face and do my will), you are not devoting your time to me. If you are doing your own thing, and calling it ministry, you are sorely mistaken.

    Wow… you’re right (of course you are…). Please continue.

    Your ministry is defined as my will accomplished through your life. If you are accomplishing your will, then it’s not ministry. If you are building the website in ways that I do not instruct at a particular time, you might as well be doing something else, because it’s not my project any more. I will bless you, and I will bless my ministry through you, but it must be my ministry. Your will must be subjected to mine.

    So why is it so hard!? I understood what you said to me yesterday – I have three choices with my devotional time: Bible study, prayer, and importing my journal entries. But I’m doing anything but that with my available moments today.

    The enemy is always at work Michael. He distracts and distorts. There are plenty of opportunities in front of you to make you go all different directions than the path I have laid out for you. It comes down to choice, which is a matter of how much you have been able to subject your mind (subject to distractions) to your heart (connected with my will).

    Can I ask for help in resisting the enemy and his distractions? If I ask, will you help?

    Of course! But I won’t help if you don’t ask. Your asking is a requirement because it demonstrates humility, that you understand that you cannot do it alone. Ask and ask often – I am hear to help you toward my ends.

    God is available to help me in resisting the enemy from distractions and deception, but I have to ask. My asking is a requirement because it demonstrates humility, that I understand that I cannot do it alone. I must ask and ask often – He is with me to help me toward His ends. Each time I ask will be a renewing of my ability to accept His help.

    Then Lord Jesus, I ask for your help in resisting the enemy and his distractions from my hearing and doing your will.


    So… now what?

    Now do what I’ve asked you to do.



    Lord Jesus, when I am finished with the task of loading in my old entries, will you provide new direction?

    Yes, Michael. And at some point you will be instructed in multiple ways at once, you’re just not ready for that yet. If you’re not ready to carry out a single task from beginning to end without distraction, how distracted will you be when I am asking you for more at once. But again, I’m here to help you each step of the way, as long as you ask for my help.

    Thank you Lord. I am your servant.


    Lord Jesus, can I proceed with an application for non-profit status? PayPal is not allowing me to access my account until I provide proof of non-profit status.

    Why do you need access to the account?

    To pay for services in building it to be better suited to its mission.

    You don’t have anything to pay for right now. Right now you have a single task. Maybe this PayPal limitation is a blessing in disguise…

    Ok, I get it. I’ll stay focused. I just wanted to ask.

    You’re allowed to ask. Just be honest with yourself about what you’re hearing from me. I’ll keep you on track as much as you need me to and ask me to.
    Thank you Lord.

    2 responses to “Why is Obedience So Hard?” RSS icon

    • When you wrote ‘but I’m doing anything but that with my available moments today’ it reminded me of my own challenge of daily commitment. I have learned through God’s teachings that I will NEVER do it perfectly because of my human condition, and that I need to be patient and loving to myself when I fail. Tomorrow is always another gift of beginning……focusing my eyes on Jesus Christ, knowing He is with me and knows my heart 🙂

      • Thanks for your comment!

        You’re right – our human condition prevents us from pleasing God under our own power. I wonder, though, whether He can be perfect through us. Is it possible for us to be so absolutely 100% submitted to Him that each moment truly is devoted to Him? Or does our sinful nature mean that this is impossible? I’ll have to look into scripture on this point.

        I agree too that tomorrow is another gift of (potential) beginning. I tend to also think that the next moment is also another gift of potential new beginning. However each gift of beginning is only potential to be realized based on our obedience to His call and command, which are moment-to-moment decisions.

        I welcome further dialog or direction to specific scriptures on these points!

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