An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Surfing

    Posted on July 12th, 2011 michael No comments

    I was looking out at the waves today from my campsite and realized how much differently a surfer must look at / observe / study a wave than I do. If I surfed, waves would take on a new meaning for me.  Right now they represent relaxation.. maybe a nice sound for falling asleep to in my tent.

    But to a surfer, each wave must represent an opportunity!  Watching a perfect wave from afar would represent loss.  Each wave they catch representing the chance for their greatest surfing experience.  They sit on their board with expectation and hope while waiting for their wave.

    How does that relate to prayer and communion with Christ?  Each prayer should be waited upon with eager expectation of something great.

    What else??  Prayer to one who knows the true joys of it takes on a whole new meaning.  What else???

    It would be great to have a section of analogies like this on BoW.

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