An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • [My sister] moving in with [her boyfriend]

    Posted on November 29th, 2008 michael No comments

    I heard from mom today that [my sister] has now reconsidered and is now decided to move in with [her boyfriend].  Evidently, she and [her boyfriend] weren’t on the same page, which [my sister] had said that he was fully supportive, so he got upset when she confirmed with him that he understood what her decision was.  In the end, it appears she decided to move in with him anyway because that’s what her heart told her to do.

    It’s very important to understand that our hearts are not honest with us.  We are created with a sinful nature – our very being is of sin.  Our heart, therefore, will lead us astray.  We need to prepare our minds so that when we are faced with temptation of the heart, we already know what we have decided to do.

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