An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • “Invisible scripts” holding me back

    Posted on February 9th, 2011 michael No comments

    1 – “Some ideas are too small to try” – I think this script comes from a fear of failing at something small; if I can’t succeed with something small and actually sell a relatively simple product to a group of people, then I won’t be able to succeed with the big ideas I have that I think will really make a big difference in people’s lives. The thing is, I know that learning from failure breeds success, and as I learned in last night’s webinar, multiple revenue streams are actually preferred to a single source due to diversification. I can start with one small success, even if it takes 10 or 50 tries to get there, and leverage that into my next success, each time building upon the experience gained with prior experiments (successes & failures). Plus, the smaller failures will provide me with the experience needed to have greater odds that the big ideas will succeed.

    2 – “No one will buy my product because I’m not an expert – I don’t have the background that people look for in a product like this.” This comes from a fear of rejection. However, just because I don’t have a credential does not mean that I don’t have something of tremendous value to offer. As Tim Ferriss attests in his new book, it’s because of his objective perspective (because he’s not confined by the politics and expectations inherent in being part of a specific group of “experts”) that he is able to write so freely and reveal truths and insights that otherwise are buried in the rest of the industry’s “common knowledge” and “acceptable deviations”.

    3 – “Everything (the product, marketing strategy, etc) has to be perfect before I try to sell or people won’t buy.” This comes from a fear that people will not buy unless the product is perfect. However, I know that working for perfection will take longer than the time I have left on this earth. So, if I want to make an impact on people’s lives, and make a boatload of cash doing it, I need to start with *something*, test, let go or improve, test, let go or improve, rinse & repeat.


    1 responses to ““Invisible scripts” holding me back” RSS icon

    • Dear Mike,

      In my life experiences I have grown to truly believe that God will provide what is needed only when I totally surrender to His will and control. I know that as you question, search and pray, one day at a time, His wisdom will be understood loud and clear in His perfect timing. God is a loving father who knows your hearts desires and is faithful in answering prayers! Hallelujah! I am praying for you! Much love!

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