An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Prosperity

    Prior Page:  Peace

    This is a work in progress, but shared so that it may be a blessing in your life…

    The Effect of Peace

    Prosperity is possible through the fruit of Peace.  It is the realization of abundance – a feeling that cannot be measured. God fills you up and you will hardly believe you spent so much time focusing on the worldly.

    The Danger of Focusing on Prosperity Too Soon

    Too many people try to shortcut to Prosperity.  However, Prosperity without Love and Peace will likely lead to the realization that the type of (worldly) prosperity you were after is unattainable, you’re never actually satisfied with it because no matter how much of  it you achieve, you always want more.  Starting with Love and progressing into Peace provides you with the foundation to realize true Prosperity.

    Prosperity Defined

    True Prosperity is not the same as worldly prosperity, so do not be confused. Worldly prosperity is a false idol, and leads to feelings of emptiness, despair, and loneliness. True Prosperity is the kind of Prosperity that will fill you up with joy and will create greater momentum into intimate fellowship, communion, with Christ.

    Worldly Prosperity

    Godly Prosperity

    Intimacy with Christ


    One aspect of Prosperity is the realization of wisdom.  Wisdom will be presented to you, and through your integration of that wisdom into your life (your obedience), more wisdom will be provided.

    Bible Study

    Wisdom is a fruit of Bible study.  However, you probably already know that wisdom through Bible study is difficult, if not impossible, without intimate communion with Christ.  The Bible’s true and spiritual wisdom is hidden from those who read it without the love and guidance of Christ in their life.  God saves people through His word, but people typically do not gain wisdom through the word without intimate communion with Christ.

    There are many approaches to Bible study.  We recommend an multi-faceted approach: wading (surface reading) and diving deep (in-depth study).  With this approach, you consistently “wade in the word”, taking in the blessing of simply reading the words that God has provided for us – there is blessing in just reading the words.  Then, when the Spirit leads you, when you feel a passage speaks to you personally, you note that passage down in your journal, along with initial thoughts and questions about it, for more in-depth study at a later time.

    The Bible has many purposes.  Part of its purpose is to reveal who God is. Part of its purpose is to tell the story of His love for His people (Israel) and His church.  Part of its purpose is for you to go to Him for wisdom and understanding of its passages as they relate personally to your life.

    Don’t be too concerned with how much time God requires of you.  He doesn’t want your time, He wants your heart.  He cares less about you reading the Bible than He does about the intent behind you reading the Bible.  Therefore, do not attempt to make Bible study an act of discipline, as that creates the need to do something because you should rather than because you want to.  God exists outside of time.  He is just as capable of revealing profound insights to you with 5 minutes as he is with 5 hours.  Your time with Him means nothing without the right intent.

    Revelation Through Prayer


    Another aspect of Prosperity is the realization of holiness.  As you submit to Christ more fully, His holiness will shine through you with greater clarity.

    [Heading for Component of Prosperity]

    Challenges of Prosperity

    The Effects of Prosperity on Your Life

    Cheerful Giving

    The Effects of Prosperity on Those Around You

    How Prosperity Prepares You for Unity

    Next Page:  Unity