An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Unity

    Prior Page: Prosperity

    This is a work in progress, but shared so that it may be a blessing in your life…

    You experience unity after you have received a heart of true Love, from Christ, after you have experienced true Peace, after you have witnessed true Prosperity in your life.  These “stages” condition your heart into being one with Christ; or better said, Christ shines through you.

    When you have reached true Unity with Christ, your communion with Him is so complete, your obedience is so natural and instinctive, your faith is so deep, that your life becomes a conduit for His Love into the world.  His ‘living water’ flows through you unhindered by worldly baggage, and other people’s lives are impacted in great ways.

    The Effect of Prosperity

    The Danger of Focusing on Unity Too Soon

    Unity Defined

    Life as a Symphony – Living in the Spirit

    As a musician, athlete or artist (as examples) practices their craft, there comes a point for some at which they master their craft and can begin to let go of their need to think about each step – they simply perform. The act of thinking about playing the next note, or calculating the next step, or planning the next brush stroke actually gets in the way of their performance. They learn to get their mind out of the way, and the years of practice take over and produce their masterpiece.

    The same is true of ‘living in the Spirit’. Once you’ve gone through the ‘practice’ of the stages of Love, Peace, and Prosperity, you become one with Christ – you are able to fully subject yourself to Christ to allow Him to work through you, unimpeded by the limitations of the previous stages.


    [Heading for Component of Unity]

    Challenges of Unity

    The Effects of Unity on Your Life:

    The Effects of Unity on Those Around You

    Where Unity Leads

    Back to Restoration – Introduction (to continue where you left off)