An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Vision – Strands to God

    Posted on February 8th, 2009 michael No comments

    Today, while being led in prayer in preparation for baptism, I had a vision of how we are each connected with God.  I envisioned what could be described as beams or strands of light reach from the heavens down to earth – from God to individuals.  It’s a crude vision, since God is everywhere, but what was interesting was that the beam was not extending to everyone.  The notion was that the strands only extended to the saved.  The unsaved were oblivious to the light from above.  The only way that the unsaved could perceive the strands was with the assistance of the saved.

    Basically it was like a web of very weak strands that wove together through humanity (we all influence each other).  Then, when a believer comes in contact with an unbeliever and shares the love of God (allows God’s love to flow through them to the unsaved), the unsaved get to perceive the light (strand) directly to God.  Through repentance and faith, the strength of the strand to God grows.  Through fear and distraction, the strand to God weakens / diminishes.  Repentance can be seen as turning your back on those things that would distract you from God and the strengthening of your connection / relationship with Him.

    I took this to mean that it is my responsibility to allow God to work through me to help people perceive / experience God.  That can be done either by reaching the unsaved – giving them that "spark" – or by turbo-charging the experience of the saved with God.  The goal is to strengthen the ‘strands’ of light with God throughout the world.

    I also envisioned that when the light was great enough between heaven and earth, that was the trigger and the mechanism for the saved being ‘snatched away’.

  • Baptism

    Posted on February 8th, 2009 michael No comments

    Today was my baptism!  [my wife], [my middle daughter], Dad, Mom, [my step dad], [my sister and her boyfriend], and [my brother] were there with me.  It was in SeaCoast Grace Warehouse.  We had a small group session where we told our ‘God stories’.  I didn’t have one prepared, but I talked about how I feel like I’m being led rather than making decisions on my own accord.  The baptism was full immersion in a hot tub – not quite the Jordan river, but the point is that it was done as an act of faith and proclamation.

    Lord, I devote my life to you.  Please lead me closer to you each and every day.  Please reveal your plan to me so that I may accept your will in and through my life.  I live to glorify you.  Amen.