An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Foiled

    Posted on July 27th, 2010 michael No comments

    Well.. today I received a computer game that I bought from Amazon – StarCraft 2. When I bought it, I thought it would be fun to play the new version of the game that I used to play as a teen. When I installed it, it told me that I had an outdated version of the video card driver. So I downloaded the driver and tried to install it. As it was installing, it appeared to be ‘stuck’.. it just wasn’t progressing for a long time, so I cancelled it. When I tried to run the installer again, my screen went completely black. During a few minutes of waiting, I ‘heard’:

    I won’t let you choose that path.

    Ugh… seriously? I mean, is that really how practical and ‘real’ this all is? I love my dialog with the Lord. I am amazed and in awe that I am able to hear what he’s saying to me. It’s something that I cherish. But this made it somehow more real…

    Earlier today, He talked to me about choice. I bought the game without asking my Lord whether it was something that He wanted or was ok with. That was a bad move. Now, I go to get into the game for the first time, and I can’t? The first thought that comes to any ‘rational’ mind is ‘coincidence’. Maybe coincidence, but I actually believe that it is not. I believe that God has His hands on me right now. He could care less that I spent $60 on this game – He doesn’t want me to play it.. at all.

    I got the impression also that even a single play of the game would be too much. Temptation is deceitful, it lures you in subtly. It entrances you and seduces you. You can’t even let the temptation have a breath of life.

    So, day to day decisions are of my choosing – good / holy behavior, or bad / sinful behavior. But my path is not mine? I suppose that makes sense, since that’s exactly what I asked Him to do – I accepted Him as my savior and invited Him to come into my life and be my Lord. When I look at the question seriously, I absolutely want Him in control of my life’s path.

    Thank you Lord for your hand in my life. I am wholly yours. I choose you. Please help me to ask your will before I make dumb decisions like this in the future.

    So now I’ve rebooted my computer. Let’s see if it installs without a hitch now… yep, no problems. Wow…

    Thank you God for protecting and guiding me. You are my Lord and I long to be holy and in constant communion with you. I am your subject. Teach me, mold me, chasten me if needed. I trust you.

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