An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • Love, Peace and Prosperity

    Posted on February 15th, 2010 michael No comments

    Today I prayed for wisdom and guidance, but stressed reverence for the Almighty God. I asked what fruit He would have me produce. His reply was:

    Love, peace, prosperity.

    Prosperity perked me up, and I felt there was more, but couldn’t get my mind off prosperity. I asked:

    What kind of prosperity?

    You will be prosperous, but first, love.


    Just love – if someone cuts you off (driving), love them anyway. If someone hurts you, love them anyway.

    Looking at the above, I get the sense that Love, Peace, Prosperity is actually a progression. I will have peace once I love, and prosperity once I have peace. I asked:

    What’s after prosperity?

    You’re not ready to know.

    Is there anything you want to tell me about the house situation?

    Take care of your house. Don’t crack the whip at [your wife], just take care of your house.

    Is there anything you want to tell me about the job I’m interviewing for?

    Just stay calm and confident and I’ll handle the rest.

    Do you have anything else to share with me?

    Share how you’re feeling.

    I shared thankfulness about the house and job opportunity. Then I expressed frustration about [my wife].

    She doesn’t clean.

    Did you marry her to clean?

    Of course not. But doesn’t she need to do her fair share?

    That’s not her role for you. Her purpose for you is to provide balance. The best thing to do is to simply allow her to be herself. It’s then that she’ll be at her best.

    Thank you Lord.

    I asked about [the baby] – her constant crying and always needing [my wife].

    She doesn’t feel safe. [Your wife] provides safety. Yelling ‘No’ at her won’t help.

    How do I help her feel safe?

    Eliminate the anger. Have fun with her, but keep reinforcing a sense of calm.

    So how do we get her to sleep by herself?

    It will take a while, but it’s a matter of safety and comfort. [Your wife] makes her feel safe, and your bed and [your wife’s] skin is a lot more comfortable than her bed.

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