An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • The Rock San Diego – 3/29/09 – The Invisible Man Separates

    Posted on May 4th, 2009 michael No comments

    1 – The Holy Spirit wants to separate you from yourself

    Thy will be done
    Proverbs 12:15 – The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise

    2 – He wants to separate you from the world

    He sets you free from living like the world lives
    He sets you free from retaliation
    He sets you free to love your enemies
    He sets you free from lust (lust is a strong desire to get something that doesn’t belong to you
    Your flesh and your spirit are at war with each other
    Your maturity as a Christian can be perceived as how quickly, how often and how faithfully you say no to your flesh and yes to God – period
    It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been saved
    Your ability to obey against strong desires of the flesh is a measure of faithfulness (praising God in front of strangers is different than praising God in church)
    When you are called to do something, how willing are you to do it, even if it’s not the fashionable thing to do?
    Fruit trees do not strain to bear fruit, they just bear them. You will too – just obey God

    3 – He separates you unto himself

    The Holy Spirit has something for you to do – do you want to know what it is?
    His job for you is part of his will for your life
    God is very coordinated, very organized, very effective, very efficient
    The Holy Spirit is constantly speaking to you – you either decide to ignore him or submit to him, there’s no other way – to say ‘wait’ is a no, which is called sin

    4 – He separates you from death

    Even living 150 years on earth is nothing compared with eternity
    The objective on earth is to do what God has designed you to do