An ordinary guy on a supernatural journey.
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  • The Rock San Diego – 7/13/08 sermon

    Posted on November 1st, 2008 michael No comments
    • Wisdom is the correct use of knowledge
    • Information is NOT wisdom
    1. Acquire a good name among people
      1. A good name is better to be had than gold or silver
      2. Nobody is just like you
      3. You don’t even know yourself as well as you think
      4.  God puts you in relationships with people who think differently than you do to make you holy
      5. Even your enemies know where you stand
    2. It is wise to acquire a skill
      1. What do you do really well?
      2. You wouldn’t ask your nose to hear – I am a part of the body of Christ
      3. Even if what you do really well is really simple
      4. Be ready to be called upon
    3. Acquire favor with God
      1. Is God setting up your appointments for you?
      2. Is God arranging relationships?
      3. If you honor God, He’ll honor you
      4. ‘God – What do you want me to do?  Who do you want me to help?’
      5. Ask someone to ask 5 people what they think about you
      6. The wounds of a friend are faithful, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful